Ever play an RPG, and get really pedantic thoughts?
BIND is an open-source, grunge-fantasy, tabletop RPG, which:
- optimizes the crap out of everything (in ways you probably won't notice),
- is an 'adult game' (meaning we all have jobs, and need to set-up-and-go without homework or very much prep),
- will never have any house rules (because anyone can change the source files and reprint the PDF).
You finally arrive in the little hamlet of Encworth, exhausted from your fight with the Manticore, and still tending your wounds from the first day's battle with the cockatrice.
# Getting the Book
The farmer's children stop their work, and come over to ask a thousand questions.
Download it from the [link][core download], then take it to your local, friendly, print-shop.
Everything in the book has been optimized for reading on paper.
But reading two-columns of blinding-white PDF on a monitor will only give you a headache.
Sorry, whut?
This land has 'wandering monsters', ready to turn people into stone, and *then* eat them.
How does anyone raise a family here?
Who put all these traps down here?
How do people trade?
## Compiling the Book Yourself
The world emerged as a series of answers to pedantic questions.
This is the fantasy world where dragons plan for inflation, and gnolls have a day-rate.
1. Clone this repo.
1. Install the required packages:
* For Debian/ Mint/ Ubuntu: `inkscape`, `make`, `texlive-full`, `git-lfs`, and `latexmk`.
* For Arch Linux: `inkscape`, `make`, `texlive-most`, `git-lfs`, and `texlive-binextra`.
* For Void Linux: `inkscape`, `make`, `texlive-full`, `git-lfs`, and `texlive-latexmk`.
1. Enter the repo, and do `make all`.
Fine full installation instructions in the [wiki](https://gitlab.com/bindrpg/core/-/wikis/dev/startup).
## Related Books
@@ -49,23 +50,6 @@ All rules are geared towards fast resolutions and player choices.
- GMs don't roll much, so they can focus on orchestration.
- Spellcasters spend Mana Points.
# Compiling
The dependencies are
To make the document,
1. type `make`.
2. Take the pdf to your local, friendly, printing store.
For more detailed instructions, see the wiki on [setting up](https://gitlab.com/bindrpg/core/-/wikis/dev/startup).
# Get Involved
The book is under an open source licence, so whoever plays it decides how it gets to work.