@@ -271,6 +271,10 @@ means using only one hand, and puts the limit to a quarter of their \glspl{hp}.
If \pgls{pc} with 6~\glspl{hp} lifts a poleaxe with \gls{weight}~4, they would receive a -2 Penalty to attack.
If the character actually hits, the Damage works as usual, so sometimes people find that picking up a weapon twice their height feels like the best option they have.
\subsubsection{Creature Features}
such as natural \gls{dr}, wings, a web-spinning thorax, or any other natural ability which add a sizeable feature to an animal's body will have \pgls{weight}.
So if you see \pgls{basilisk}\gls{statblock} with a notable \gls{weight}, it does not necessarily indicate items carried.