Fenestra is currently experiencing the freezing season of \gls{Qualmea}, when the trees shed their leaves, letting sunlight shine on roads which are slowly turning white, with little specks of snow.
Fenestra is currently experiencing the freezing season of \gls{cTwo}, when the trees shed their leaves, letting sunlight shine on roads which are slowly turning white, with little specks of snow.
\item[Player 1:]
\item[Player 1:]
Wasn't it raining last time? Are we jumping time again?
Wasn't it raining last time? Are we jumping time again?
Yes - three weeks passes every session.
Yes -- thirty days passes every session.
And as usual -- we'll start in \pgls{broch} -- one of the \gls{guard} towers which sit between \glspl{village}.
And as usual -- we'll start in \pgls{broch} -- one of the \gls{guard} towers which sit between \glspl{village}.
Mark off any rations or \glspl{ingredient} from last session -- if your character hasn't eaten them then they've gone rotten.
Mark off any rations or \glspl{ingredient} from last session -- if your character hasn't eaten them then they've gone rotten.
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ This never entirely succeeds.
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ This never entirely succeeds.
Scheduling becomes much easier when you just run a game with anyone who's there.
Scheduling becomes much easier when you just run a game with anyone who's there.
So \gls{bind} has a little `restart' at the start of each session.
So \gls{bind} has a little `restart' between sessions where characters live their lives.
\Gls{fenestra} has twelve seasons (which map to our twelve months) so every time we enter January, \gls{fenestra} enters \gls{Qualmea}.
Every sixty days, \gls{fenestra} endures \pgls{storm}, then the weather changes as a new \gls{cycle} begins.
And it marches on regardless of who's at the table -- even if nobody's there, \gls{fenestra} keeps moving.
And it marches on regardless of who's at the table -- even if nobody's there, \gls{fenestra} keeps moving.
This helps keep the table open, so Player 3 -- a new player -- can jump right in.
This helps keep the table open, so Player 3 -- a new player -- can jump right in.