@@ -39,15 +39,16 @@ However, each boon increases the \gls{tn} by 1.
A poison might inflict 4 \glspl{ep} each \gls{interval}, for 3 \glspl{interval}, and require a \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} roll at \tn[10] but this would raise the \gls{tn} from 7 to 14.
\makeRule{sword_crafting}{Crafting a sword}{Strength}{Crafts}{13}
\makeRule{sword_crafting}{Crafting a sword}{Strength}{Crafts}{15}
This requires equipment, such as moulds, and a long night.
It also requires a single level of the Combat Skill.
A tie could indicate a completed sword, with a shattered mould.
\makeRule{make_mould}{Creating a weapon mould}{Intelligence}{Crafts}{10}
Anything with a cost of less than 10 \gls{cp} can be fashioned in less than a day, with only basic woodworking tools.
\makeRule{make_mould}{Creating a weapon mould}{Intelligence}{Crafts}{11}
A weapon mould grants a +2 Bonus to weapon-crafting rolls.
Most metallurgists cannot form weapons without one.