@@ -390,102 +390,6 @@ Weapons which were never made to be thrown, such as swords, axes, or most knives
\index{Fate Points}
At this point you might be wondering how anyone is going to survive past their first battle.
6 or 7 \glspl{hp} is not a lot when the Damage is often $2D6$ or higher.
\Glsentryfullpl{fp} provide a small safety-net to \glspl{pc}, at least for a little while.
Being fated by the gods, the \glspl{pc} have some extra chances to live another day, so they begin each mission with their full allotment of \glspl{fp}.
And since the gods love some more than others, the Charisma Bonus modifies the total.
\Glspl{npc} can also store \glspl{fp}, but (unlike the \glspl{pc}), they start with none.
However, if \pgls{npc} returns for another scene, they gain $1D6$\glspl{fp} each time.%
\Glsentrylongpl{fp} create a flow throughout the game's Damage, as \glspl{pc} can lose \glspl{fp} and \glspl{hp}, then regenerate their \glspl{fp}, and continue fighting with most of their effective `hit points' still available.
For example, someone with 7 \glspl{hp} and 7 \glspl{fp} would have a total of 14.
After a taxing battle, they might lose all \glspl{fp} and 4 \glspl{hp}.
But after some \glspl{interval} of rest, they regain all \glspl{fp}, leaving them with 7 again; this places the \gls{pc} 10 Damage away from defeat.
Fighting, running and swimming can really take it out of you, especially when wearing heavy armour.
Characters gain \glspl{fatigue} for exerting themselves, and if they accrue too many then they will quickly start to become ineffective.
\Glspl{fp} might inflict penalties because the character has 6 \glspl{hp} but gains a total of 8 \glspl{fatigue}, which results in a -2 penalty to all actions.
But it might also occur because the character has 4 \glspl{fatigue} and then Damage reduces them to only 2 \glspl{hp}, leaving them with a -2 penalty to all actions yet again.
Characters may reach a maximum penalty of -5 due to \glspl{fatigue}, after which they fall unconscious.
If the character is accruing \glspl{fatigue} from running or wrestling, they would normally simply pass out at this point, but if they are gaining \glspl{fatigue} swimming or climbing a cliff, the character will almost certainly just die.
\Glspl{fatigue} cannot be mitigated with \gls{fp}. Characters who can luck their way out of being shot by arrows and roasted by dragons can quite easily be punched and dragged away, or collapse after a long run.
\subsection{Gaining Fatigue}
Each round running, climbing, in combat, or otherwise exerting oneself inflicts a \gls{fatigue}.
Armour also inflicts a number of \glspl{fatigue} equal to its \glsentryname{weight} at the end of each interval.
\Glspl{fatigue} pile up extremely quickly, for all manner of reasons.
However, players only apply them at the end of the interval.
Running, fighting, and jumping generate a lot of adrenaline, which keeps any tiredness at bay while the action is on.
The real danger in \glspl{fatigue} is persistent action, when characters have no chance to recover from a previous battle.
\subsubsection{Special Categories}
\Glspl{fatigue} can represent all manner of problems a character has -- not just tiredness -- and some remain for longer than others.
\paragraph{Poison} can become a nasty drag on a character, and a serious poisoning can prompt even the strongest fighter to return home.
\paragraph{Starvation} is another special case.
\glspl{fatigue} inflicted from starvation are marked with an `$S$', and each of these points only heal once the character has had a full meal.
When \glspl{pc} attempt something dangerous and difficult, the \gls{gm} states the \gls{tn}, and the players try to beat it by rolling $2D6$ plus any bonuses.
@@ -62,6 +54,13 @@ When \glspl{pc} attempt something dangerous and difficult, the \gls{gm} states t
Hugi listens carefully at the keyhole, trying to figure out what the elves on the other side are plotting.
The \gls{tn} is 10, and he matches it exactly.
@@ -75,10 +74,6 @@ When \glspl{pc} attempt something dangerous and difficult, the \gls{gm} states t
A basic action is performed by rolling $2D6$ equal or higher than the \gls{tn} for the action.
The more difficult the action, the higher the \gls{tn}.
Players add their character's Attribute and \gls{skill} to the roll.
@@ -247,19 +242,17 @@ Actions cannot be attempted multiple times with rerolls unless the situation has
We measure weight in broad terms, just in case characters need to lift a wounded companion (or corpse), or try to put thirty shortswords in the backpack.
We measure weight in broad terms.
Characters have a \glsentryname{weight} equal to their \glspl{hp}, so elves tend to have 5, while humans tend to have a \gls{weight} of 7.
Items work similarly, with \gls{weight} between -4 (for very light items), through 11 (for wardrobes, carts, and boulders), and so on.
Characters can carry items with a maximum \glsentryname{weight} of their Strength Bonus plus 6, so a man with 7 \gls{hp} could only be carried with a Strength Bonus of +1 or greater.
Depending upon the circumstances, the \gls{gm} may allow heavier objects to be dragged or rolled.
Items carried in only one hand count as having +2 to the \gls{weight}, so hefting a battle axe in only one hand would mean it has an effective \gls{weight} of 4.
happens whenever characters pick up something with a \gls{weight} greater than their Strength.
It inflicts a penalty to Speed, which means slower movement when running, and fewer \glspl{ap} in combat.
Characters also receive one \gls{fatigue} at the end of each \gls{interval} for each level of Encumbrance.
@@ -269,6 +262,8 @@ They can, however, drag items with up to a \gls{weight} of up to 6 points above