@@ -32,10 +32,8 @@ The character's brawling actions receive a bonus to Attack and Damage equal to h
\subsubsection{Cutting Swing}
The character can cut through more than one opponent at a time, or slice open multiple skulls with a single arc of metal.
Any time the character reduces an opponent to 0~\glspl{hp}, the remaining damage transfers to any other opponent in range as the weapon slices across multiple throats, stomachs, and limbs.
This process recurs until either no damage or no enemies remain.
The same attack roll can be recycled for the secondary target, so if a character rolls `11' to attack, then the next opponent receives this strike only if the roll of `11' would hit them.
Any time the character reduces an opponent to 0~\glspl{hp}, the \gls{natural} remains, and another enemy within range takes an attack.
This process recurs until either no enemies remain in range, one way or another.
This Knack can only be used with missile weapons if enemies are standing in a direct line.