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[83] Resolve "BUG: support all unicode characters"

aguestuser requested to merge 83-support-all-unicode-characters into master

Closes #83 (closed)


  • SYMPTOMS: emoji and accented characters transmitted over signalboost as ��� characters
  • CAUSE: signald was not properly utf-8 encoding socket messages because the docker container in which it was running had not had locale env vars initialized to uft-8 encoded variants
  • FIX: update both signalboost.dockerfile and signald.dockerfile to use utf8-compliant locale configurations


  • bump base docker containers from debian stretch to debian buster (current stable)
  • bump node from 10.15.3 to 12.9.1 (current stable)
  • bump jdk from 8 to 11 (current stable, 8 no longer supported on buster)
Edited by aguestuser

Merge request reports
