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[89] Resolve "allow channel owners to toggle responses on/off"

Closes #89 (closed)

User-facing changes

GIVEN a channel on which responses are not enabled

  • WHEN the owner sends a message that says "RESPONSES ON"
  • THEN signalboost will enable subscriber responses on that channel

GIVEN a channel with responses enabled

  • WHEN a subscriber sends a non-command message to the channel
  • THEN it will be relayed to all channel owners

GIVEN a channel with responses enabled

  • WHEN the channel owner sends a message that says "RESPONSES OFF"
  • THEN signalboost will disable subscriber responses on that channel

GIVEN a channel with responses not enabled

  • WHEN a subscriber sends a non-command message to the channel
  • THEN they will receive a "Whoops!" message in response

GIVEN a channel

  • WHEN a publisher send a message that says "RESPONSES FOO" (or anything other than ON/OFF)
  • THEN they will get an error message notifying them of the allowed settings

GIVEN a channel

  • WHEN a publisher issues an INFO command
  • THEN they will see the current state of the subscriber responses toggle as part of the response

Implementation notes

  • add a responsesEnabled field on channel
  • check responsesEnabled in messenger dispatch flow (and relay message to owners if sender is a subscriber)
  • add new TOGGLE_RESPONSES command to services.dispatcher.executor.js
  • add new BROADCAST_RESPONSE message type to services.dispatcher.messenger.js
  • generally refactor dispatcher.messenger for clarity and readability
  • descoped command notificiations for all admins, but left TODO for how to accomplish it
  • not totally happy with factoring of dispatcher.messenger.format ATM, but seems okay for now and unlikely to change too much so fine with some extra copmlexity there for a bit
Edited by aguestuser

Merge request reports
