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WIP [#393] Resolve "signalc: register a number and send a message from it (1-shot)"

aguestuser requested to merge 393-signalc-register-number-and-send-message into main

Closes #393 (closed)


  • we are introducing signalc slowly but surely!
  • this MR provides a CLI proof-of-concept that uses signalc to register and verify a phone number passed from the command line with signal, then send an arbitrary number of messages
  • it does NOT YET receive messages or persist keystore material across sesions



  • add SignalcProtocolStore

    • implements all methods on SingalProtocolStore using in-memory hashmaps for storage
    • provides unit tests that provide clean seam for swapping out in-memory impl w/ postgres and keeping things green!
  • add Account model

    • has RegisteredAccount and UnregisteredAcount variants
    • each is represented as an immutable data class with properties to lazily convert them to classes needed by the signal protocol: a CredentialsProvider and an AccountManager
    • by "lazily convert" we mean construct these other representations in a memoized/once-only that prevents further memory alllocation from reconstructing and blocks the possibility of mutation)
    • RegisteredAccounts lack uuids, which prevents the register and verify steps from producing authentication errors by using CredentialsProviders constrcuted with them
    • RegisteredAccounts have uuids (received from the server as a result of registration). MessageSenders can only be constructed from RegisteredAccounts, which prevents them from erroring by thrying to authenticate with a phone number instead of a UUID
  • add Messaging module

    • takes a SignalServiceMessageSender provided by a RegisteredAccount and uses it to construct a data message and send it


  • provide nice unit tests with lots of mocks for all 3 modules above! :)

dev env tooling:

  • consolidate all test container configs into docker-compose-text.yml
    • instead of hard-coding different entrypoint scripts in different docker-compose files, use same file and inject different entrypoints in calling script as argument to run
    • bonus: add an .env.test file!
  • run db setup, migrations for dev & test envs in different (dev & test) containers
    • requires substantial overhaul of bash scripts!
  • create test configs and scripts for signalc
  • modify make scripts to allow for sb tests and sc tests

gitlab cit tooling

  • add signalc test job
  • add sibnalboost- and signalc-specific cache keys (use latter to cache gradle build output)
  • add reusable anchors for:
    • rule to make jobs only run on MRs
    • jobs that run in signalboost or signalc
    • jobs that use postgres
  • introduce build and test stages (use build stage to install npm packages and pass them to test phase. )

tooling to run and package signalc

  • add docker-compose-sc.yml to wrap signalc docker container
  • add make and make sc.package, which run and package signalc inside container provided by docker-compose
  • customize build.gradle.kts to accomodate run by:
    • declaring main class name (necessary to run in application mode)
    • specifying STDIN for java exect tasks (so that it doesn't read from empty stream instead of user input [!!!])
  • tweak build.gradle.kts to accomodate package by:
    • importing shadowJar plugin (builds a "fat jar" w/ all external dependencies included)
    • providing main class to jar manifest
Edited by aguestuser

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