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Resolve "admin can add/remove other admins via signal message" (#27)

aguestuser requested to merge 27-admins-can-add-and-remove-other-admins into master

Closes #27 (closed) and fulfills its AC's, which were:

GIVEN alice is admin of channel foo with number +15555555555

  • AND bob has phone number +14444444444
  • WHEN alice texts "ADD ADMIN +14444444444" to +15555555555
  • THEN bob will be made an admin of foo (he will receive all messages on foo and be able to broadcast messages to all subscribers)
  • AND THEN alice will receive a confirmation message

GIVEN the above

  • AND bob is already an admin of foo
  • WHEN alice texts "REMOVE ADMIN +14444444444" to +15555555555
  • THEN bob will be made no longer an admin of foo
  • AND alice will receive a confirmation message

GIVEN the above

  • AND bob is already an admin of foo
  • WHEN alice texts "ADD ADMIN +14444444444" to +15555555555
  • THEN no new administration record will be created
  • AND alice will still receive a confirmation message

GIVEN the above

  • WHEN alice texts "REMOVE ADMIN <ome incorrectly formatted number>"
  • THEN she will receive a helpful error message to correct the formatting

GIVEN the above

  • WHEN alice texts "REMOVE ADMIN <number of someone who is not an admin>"
  • THEN she will receive a helpful error message letting her know the person is not an admin

Merge request reports
