contextualize parse errors for invalid phone numbers (INVITE, ADD, REMOVE)
- our error messages currently refer only to why a payload was invalid. Absent the context of which command the payload was being parsed for, this can be quite confusing. The command would help orient people, and at least help them understand why the error was throw.
Invite your friends to come with us tonight. It will be fun!
yourfriendstocomewithustonight.Itwillbefun! are not valid phone numbers. Phone numbers must be prefaced by a '+'
It is incredibly difficult to know what happened or how to fix it.
Better might be:
It looks like you were trying to INVITE 'yourfriendstocomewithustonight.Itwillbefun!' But 'yourfriendstocomewithustonight.Itwillbefun!' is not a valid phone number.
At the very least we should consider something like this for all commands that take a phone number as a payload, and maybe investigate whether others might yield similarly confusing results?