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  • georg's avatar
    CI: Transition to rules, instead of deprecated only/except clauses · d3c6020b
    georg authored
    In most cases, relying on rules instead of only/except clauses offers
    more possibilites.
    This commit changes the CI pipeline configuration as follows:
    - Pipelines are executed with the Ruby rspec jobs for all branches,
    except if an associated MR exists.
    - In this case, create a so called "detached pipeline" with all, the
    Ruby rspec and MR-specific, jobs.
    - Pipelines aren't executed for tags at all, as the relevant commits are
    tested in any case.
    This prevents duplicated pipelines and therefore wasted resources.
    Besides this, the CHANGELOG job result gets more reliable: up until now,
    the result of it was timing-sensitive, as it queried the GitLab API to
    search for an associated MR, to get the target branch to compare
    against. This would fail in case a branch was pushed, the job started
    but a MR only created some time afterwards, as there would be no target
    branch, yet.
    Now, as the job is run within the "detached pipeline" of a MR, an...
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