Lista de equipamentos básicos para um laboratório de hardware.
* Lupa.
* Caixa de ferramentas (martelo, alicate, fenda e philips).
* Cabos JTAG.
* Cabo USB to Serial (Raspberry Pi):
* [Ultimate Serial Port](
* [USB to TTL Serial Cable - Debug / Console Cable for Raspberry Pi ID: 954 - $9.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits](
* Beagle Board Green (pra usar de programador standalone pra Gnuk e afins).
* Osciloscópio e gerador de sinais:
* [Comedi - Control and Measurement Interface](
* [xoscope for Linux]( ([pacote](
* [BitScope Mini Model 10 | World's Smallest Mixed Signal PC Based USB Oscilloscope!](
* [DIY: Turn your GNU/Linux computer into a free oscilloscope | Yann "Bug" Dubois](