## Intro
* [ImperialViolet - Security Keys](
## FST-01: Gnuk and Neug
### FST-01
* [FST-01]( "FST-01") (Gniibe)
* [FST-01]( "FST-01") (Seedstudio)
* [unixjazz / DIYNuk · GitLab]( "unixjazz / DIYNuk · GitLab")
* [» Reading and Writing Firmware on an STM32 using SWD]( "» Reading and Writing Firmware on an STM32 using SWD")
* [Serial Wire Debug (SWD) - Silicon Labs]( "Serial Wire Debug (SWD) - Silicon Labs")
* [ST-LINK/V2 - ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32 - STMicroelectronics]( "ST-LINK/V2 - ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32 - STMicroelectronics")
* [STM8S-DISCOVERY - Discovery kit with STM8S105C6 MCU - STMicroelectronics]( "STM8S-DISCOVERY - Discovery kit with STM8S105C6 MCU - STMicroelectronics")
* [FST-01 gnuk firmware update via USB -]( "FST-01 gnuk firmware update via USB -")
* [FST-01 - Seeed Wiki](
* [Questions - FST-01 Q&A Forum](
* [Programming the FST-01 (gnuk) with a Bus Pirate + OpenOCD](
### Gnuk
* [Free Software Initiative of Japan - gnuk](
* [Gnuk Documentation — Gnuk Documentation 1.0 documentation](
* [Gnuk - Noisebridge](
* [Gnuk Token and GnuPG scdaemon](
* [Gnuk source code](
### Neug
* [NeuG, a True Random Number Generator Implementation]( "NeuG, a True Random Number Generator Implementation")
* [Gnuk / gnuk / neug · GitLab]( "Gnuk / gnuk / neug · GitLab")
* [NeuG USB True Random Number Generator | Hacker News]( "NeuG USB True Random Number Generator | Hacker News")
* [Gnuk, NeuG, FST-01]( "Gnuk, NeuG, FST-01")
* [How can I install Gnuk on FST-01 with NeuG 1.0.5?]( "How can I install Gnuk on FST-01 with NeuG 1.0.5?")
* [udev-rules for my FST-01 gnuk security token]( "udev-rules for my FST-01 gnuk security token")
* [Device Configuration for Gnuk Token with libusb — Gnuk Documentation 1.0 documentation]( "Device Configuration for Gnuk Token with libusb — Gnuk Documentation 1.0 documentation")
* [How to install or update NeuG firmware with STLink/v2 debugger on FST-01]( "How to install or update NeuG firmware with STLink/v2 debugger on FST-01")
* [How can I use NeuG standalone device on my Debian box?]( "How can I use NeuG standalone device on my Debian box?")
* [linux - Using the NeuG TRNG with /dev/random? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange]( "linux - Using the NeuG TRNG with /dev/random? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange")
### Threat modeling
* [How safe is Gnuk against side channel attacks, USB sniffer, or electron/tunneling microscope? - FST-01 Q&A Forum](
* [How does Gnuk protect against attacks to extract private keys? - FST-01 Q&A Forum](
* [What types of risk are more likely? What's "best practice" against that? - FST-01 Q&A Forum](
### Programando o FST-01
Agradecimento ao `unixjazz` do projeto [DIYNuk]( por fornecer estas instruções!
Roteiro baseado no programador (STLink) ligado a um STM8 com os pinos soldados:
1. Ligar ambas as pacas conforme [este diagrama dos
2. Configurar o ST-Link (programador) no PC. Instruções
3. Compilar (mesmo procedimento para Gnuk e Neug (se diz Noisy com sotaque
japones)) conforme [estas instruções](
Em geral, o procedimento e' o seguinte:
1. Instalar o [ultimo NeuG do repo do Debian](
2. Instalar o GNU Toolchan for ARM (4.5 ou maior).
3. Instalar o OpenOCD (pacote do Debian).
4. Compilar o NeuG.
5. Configurar o ST-Link com as seguintes regras do udev (por exemplo em `/etc/udev/rules.d/10-stlink.rules`):
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0483", \
ATTR{idProduct}=="3748", GROUP="tape", MODE="664", SYMLINK+="stlink"
6. Plugar o ST-Link, rodar o OpenOCD e escrever o binario na flash do STM8
conforme [este procedimento](
7. Pronto! Agora basta [ler a serial](