Clone this repo, install dependencies and build the application. Dependencies assume debian packages, or homebrew for osx. For Windows OS see corresponding section below. For other systems try manually, or send us a patch.
git clone && cd bitmask-vpn
sudo make depends
make build
You need at least go 1.11. If you have something older and are using ubuntu, you can do:
make install_go
For other situations, have a look at or
You can run some tests too.
sudo apt install qml-module-qttest
make test
make test_ui
As for now app can be build on Win OS using Cygwin
You need to have installed and added to your user PATH (mentioned version tested in Win10):
- Go (>= go1.15.4)
- QT (>= Qt5.12.9)
- QtIFW (>= QtIFW-4.0.0)
- Cygwin64 (>= 2.905 64 bit)
- Using Cygwin
Package Select
window installpython3
Note: for #5 you don't need to add packages to PATH they will available in cygwin
after installation.
Get Source
git clone && cd bitmask-vpn
Build script uses a symbolic link in one of the stages. Unfortunately Cygwin can't create native symlink from local non
admin user due to windows security restriction. To avoid this issue we need to call next target from cygwin terminal as
Administrator. This need to be done only once.
make relink_vendor
After relink_vendor
use this to build the app:
make build
After successful build application will be available at: build/qt/release/riseup-vpn.exe
To run tests:
make test
make test_ui
We use transifex to coordinate translations. Any help is welcome!
Bugs? Crashes? UI feedback? Any other suggestions or complains?
When you are willing to report an issue please use the search tool first. if you cannot find your issue, please make sure to include the following information:
- the platform you're using and the installation method.
- the version of the program. You can check the version on the "about" menu.
- what you expected to see.
- what you got instead.
- the logs of the program. The location of the logs depends on the OS:
- gnu/linux:
/home/<your user>/.config/leap/systray.log
- OSX:
/Users/<your user>/Library/Preferences/leap/systray.log
- windows:
C:\Users\<your user>\AppData\Local\leap\systray.log
,C:\Program Files\RiseupVPN\helper.log
&C:\Program Files\RiseupVPN\openvp.log
- gnu/linux: