title: Images analytics
# Images analytics
Cloudflare Images gives you access to analytics data for your account, such as:
- How many images have been served during the current month.
- How many images are stored.
- Your account's storage capacity.
To check analytics for your Images account:
1. Log in to the [Cloudflare dashboard](, and select your account.
2. Select **Images**.
3. Scroll down to **Usage**.
## Quota errors
If you exceed your account's quota, you will not be able to upload more images. Further uploads will be rejected with the message `The given account has reached a service limit`.
If you are an Enterprise customer, contact your Customer Success Manager to increase your Cloudflare Images' quota and avoid this error. You can also [delete images](/images/cloudflare-images/transform/delete-images/) from your account.
Non-Enterprise customers can select **Change Subscription** to change their account type, increase their quota limit and avoid this error, or [delete images](/images/cloudflare-images/transform/delete-images/) from their account.