History does not show the author of a change but the owner of the page (if the owner is a user)
There seems to be a bug in the history tracking. Changes of wiki content are allways attributed to the owner of the page. This does not happen if a page is owned by a group.
- user (:blue) creates a page (and edits it)
- shares it with (:red) via "Share page" in the sidebar
- :red edits the page. This edit is attributed to :blue
- :red comments the page. This edit is tracked correctly. Same goes for changes of the page title.
See attached history screenshot
Our unit test do not cover the issue because we set the user_id of the PageHistory::UpdatedContent manually.
Maybe the bug is also related to our problems with email notifications - especially to single/an email per change notifciations: #105 (closed) "no messages for new activities"
Detailed email notification (which we do not use now) will contain wrong history entries. The biggest difference between wiki changes and comment/title history entry is that the latter contains :details which will be serialized. This results in a different handling of email notifications (single/an email per change): history entries which contain :details are stored in the delayed_jobs table for 30 minutes.