msgBox "rdiff action wizard: error" "You must first configure the destination."
msgBox "$rdiff_title: error" "You must first configure the destination."
elif [ "$rdiff_user" = "" ]; then
msgBox "rdiff action wizard: error" "You must first configure the destination user."
msgBox "$rdiff_title: error" "You must first configure the destination user."
elif [ "$rdiff_host" = "" ]; then
msgBox "rdiff action wizard: error" "You must first configure the destination host."
msgBox "$rdiff_title: error" "You must first configure the destination host."
booleanBox "rdiff action wizard" "This step will create a ssh key for the local root user with no passphrase (if one does not already exist), and attempt to copy root's public ssh key to authorized_keys file of $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host. This will allow the local root to make unattended backups to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host.\n\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?"
booleanBox "$rdiff_title" "This step will create a ssh key for the local root user with no passphrase (if one does not already exist), and attempt to copy root's public ssh key to authorized_keys file of $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host. This will allow the local root to make unattended backups to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host.\n\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?"
[ $? = 0 ] || return
@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ do_rdiff_ssh_con() {
echo "Hit return to continue."
case $result in
0 ) msgBox "rdiff action wizard: error" "Directories are writable: Probably just a typo the first time." ;;
1 ) msgBox "rdiff action wizard: error" "Connected successfully to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host, but unable to write. Check ownership and modes of ~$rdiff_user on $rdiff_host." ;;
255 ) msgBox "rdiff action wizard: error" "Failed to connect to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host. Check hostname, username, and password. Also, make sure sshd is running on the destination host." ;;
0 ) msgBox "$rdiff_title: error" "Directories are writable: Probably just a typo the first time." ;;
1 ) msgBox "$rdiff_title: error" "Connected successfully to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host, but unable to write. Check ownership and modes of ~$rdiff_user on $rdiff_host." ;;
255 ) msgBox "$rdiff_title: error" "Failed to connect to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host. Check hostname, username, and password. Also, make sure sshd is running on the destination host." ;;
msgBox "rdiff action wizard: success" "Creation of the remote destination directory was a success!"
msgBox "$rdiff_title: success" "Creation of the remote destination directory was a success!"
msgBox "rdiff action wizard: error" "Connected successfully to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host, but was unable to create the destination directory, check the directory permissions."
msgBox "$rdiff_title: error" "Connected successfully to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host, but was unable to create the destination directory, check the directory permissions."
msgBox "rdiff action wizard: error" "Failed to connect to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host. Check hostname, username, and password. Also, make sure sshd is running on the destination host."
msgBox "$rdiff_title: error" "Failed to connect to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host. Check hostname, username, and password. Also, make sure sshd is running on the destination host."
msgBox "rdiff action wizard: success" "Installation of rdiff-backup was a success!"
msgBox "$rdiff_title: success" "Installation of rdiff-backup was a success!"
msgBox "rdiff action wizard: error" "Connected successfully to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host, but was unable to install the package for some reason."
msgBox "$rdiff_title: error" "Connected successfully to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host, but was unable to install the package for some reason."
msgBox "rdiff action wizard: error" "Failed to connect to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host. Check hostname, username, and password. Also, make sure sshd is running on the destination host."
msgBox "$rdiff_title: error" "Failed to connect to $rdiff_user@$rdiff_host. Check hostname, username, and password. Also, make sure sshd is running on the destination host."