## This is an example duplicity configuration file.
## Here you can find all the possible duplicity options, details of
## what the options provide and possible settings. The defaults are set
## as the commented out option, uncomment and change when
## necessary. Options which are uncommented in this example do not have
## defaults, and the settings provided are recommended.
## passed directly to duplicity, e.g. to increase verbosity set this to:
## options = --verbosity 8
## when using the Amazon S3 backend to create buckets in Europe:
## options = --s3-european-buckets --s3-use-new-style
## Default:
# options =
## default is 0, but set to something like 19 if you want to lower the priority.
## Default:
# nicelevel = 0
## test the connection? set to no to skip the test if the remote host is alive.
## if 'desturl' is set below, 'testconnect' must be set to 'no' for now.
## Default:
# testconnect = yes
## temporary directory used by duplicity, set to some other location if your /tmp is small
## default is either /tmp or /usr/tmp, depending on the system
## Default:
# tmpdir = /tmp
## gpg section
## WARNING: old (pre-0.9.4) example.dup used to give wrong information about
## the way the following options are used. Please read the following
## carefully.
## If the encryptkey variable is set:
## - data is encrypted with the GnuPG public key specified by the encryptkey
## variable
## - if signing is enabled, data is signed with the GnuPG private
## key specified by the signkey variable
## - the password variable is used to unlock the GnuPG key(s) used
## for encryption and (optionnal) signing
## If the encryptkey option is not set:
## - data signing is not possible
## - the password variable is used to encrypt the data with symmetric
## encryption: no GnuPG key pair is needed
## when set to yes, encryptkey variable must be set below; if you want to use
## two different keys for encryption and signing, you must also set the signkey
## variable below.
## default is set to no, for backwards compatibility with backupninja <= 0.5.
## Default:
# sign = no
## ID of the GnuPG public key used for data encryption.
## if not set, symmetric encryption is used, and data signing is not possible.
## an example setting would be:
## encryptkey = 04D9EA79
## Default:
# encryptkey =
## ID of the GnuPG private key used for data signing.
## if not set, encryptkey will be used, an example setting would be:
## signkey = 04D9EA79
## Default:
# signkey =
## password
## NB: neither quote this, nor should it contain any quotes,
## an example setting would be:
## password = a_very_complicated_passphrase
## Default:
# password =
## source section
## (where the files to be backed up are coming from)
## A few notes about includes and excludes:
## 1. include, exclude and vsinclude statements support globbing with '*'
## 2. Symlinks are not dereferenced. Moreover, an include line whose path
## contains, at any level, a symlink to a directory, will only have the
## symlink backed-up, not the target directory's content. Yes, you have to
## dereference yourself the symlinks, or to use 'mount --bind' instead.
## Example: let's say /home is a symlink to /mnt/crypt/home ; the following
## line will only backup a "/home" symlink ; neither /home/user nor
## /home/user/Mail will be backed-up :
## include = /home/user/Mail
## A workaround is to 'mount --bind /mnt/crypt/home /home' ; another one is to
## write :
## include = /mnt/crypt/home/user/Mail
## 3. All the excludes come after all the includes. The order is not otherwise
## taken into account.
## files to include in the backup
include = /var/spool/cron/crontabs
include = /var/backups
include = /etc
include = /root
include = /home
include = /usr/local/bin
include = /usr/local/sbin
include = /var/lib/dpkg/status
include = /var/lib/dpkg/status-old
## If vservers = yes in /etc/backupninja.conf then the following variables can
## be used:
## vsnames = all | <vserver1> <vserver2> ... (default = all)
## vsinclude = <path>
## vsinclude = <path>
## ...
## Any path specified in vsinclude is added to the include list for each vserver
## listed in vsnames (or all if vsnames = all, which is the default).
## For example, vsinclude = /home will backup the /home directory in every
## vserver listed in vsnames. If you have 'vsnames = foo bar baz', this
## vsinclude will add to the include list /vservers/foo/home, /vservers/bar/home
## and /vservers/baz/home.
## Vservers paths are derived from $VROOTDIR.
# files to exclude from the backup
exclude = /home/*/.gnupg
exclude = /var/cache/backupninja/duplicity
## destination section
## (where the files are copied to)
## perform an incremental backup? (default = yes)
## if incremental = no, perform a full backup in order to start a new backup set
## Default:
# incremental = yes
## how many days of incremental backups before doing a full backup again ;
## default is 30 days (one can also use the time format of duplicity).
## if increments = keep, never automatically perform a new full backup ;
## only perform incremental backups.
## Default:
# increments = 30
## how many days of data to keep ; default is 60 days.
## (you can also use the time format of duplicity)
## 'keep = yes' means : do not delete old data, the remote host will take care of this
## Default:
# keep = 60
# for how many full backups do we keep their later increments ;
# default is all (keep all increments).
# increments for older full backups will be deleted : only the more
# recent ones (count provided) will be kept
## Default:
# keepincroffulls = all
## full destination URL, in duplicity format; if set, desturl overrides
## sshoptions, destdir, desthost and destuser; it also disables testconnect and
## bandwithlimit. For details, see duplicity manpage, section "URL FORMAT", some
## examples include:
## desturl = file:///usr/local/backup
## desturl = rsync://
## desturl =
## the default value of this configuration option is not set:
## Default:
# desturl =
## Amazon Web Services Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, needed for backups
## to S3 buckets.
## awsaccesskeyid = YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
## awssecretaccesskey = YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY
## Default:
# awsaccesskeyid =
# awssecretaccesskey =
## RackSpace's CloudFiles username, API key, and authentication URL.
## cfusername = YOUR_CF_USERNAME
## cfapikey = YOUR_CF_API_KEY
## cfauthurl = YOUR_CF_AUTH_URL
## Default:
# cfusername =
# cfapikey =
# cfauthurl =
## FTP password, needed for backups using desturl = ftp://...
## Default:
# ftp_password =
## bandwith limit, in Kbit/s ; default is 0, i.e. no limit
## if using 'desturl' above, 'bandwidthlimit' must not be set
## an example setting of 128 Kbit/s would be:
## bandwidthlimit = 128
## Default:
# bandwidthlimit = 0
## duplicity < 0.6.17
## ------------------
## passed directly to ssh, scp (and sftp in duplicity >=0.4.2)
## warning: sftp does not support all scp options, especially -i; as
## a workaround, you can use "-o <SSHOPTION>"
## an example setting would be:
## sshoptions = -o IdentityFile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa_duplicity

## -------------------
## supports only "-oIdentityFile=..." since duplicity >=0.6.17 uses paramiko,
## a ssh python module.
## warning: requires no space beetween "-o" and "IdentityFile=...".
## Default:
# sshoptions =
## put the backups under this destination directory
## if using 'desturl' above, this must not be set
## in all other cases, this must be set!
## an example setting would be:
## destdir = /backups
## Default:
# destdir =
## the machine which will receive the backups
## if using 'desturl' above, this must not be set
## in all other cases, this must be set!
## an example setting would be:
## desthost = backuphost
## Default:
# desthost =
## make the files owned by this user
## if using 'desturl' above, this must not be set
## note: if using an SSH based transport and 'type' is set to 'remote', you must
## be able to 'ssh backupuser@backuphost' without specifying a password.