rename package
currently the file and package are written without camel case. This causes errors when gomobile tries to generate the JNI for Android.
./bin/gomobile: javac -d /var/folders/11/llkc5bss1bsfb05hp598vv_m0000gn/T/gomobile-work-098949177/javac-output -source 1.7 -target 1.7 -bootclasspath /Users/cyberta/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31/android.jar go/ go/ go/ pgpverify/ pgpverify/ pgpverify/ shapeshifter/ shapeshifter/ failed: exit status 1
shapeshifter/ error: class ShapeShifter is public, should be declared in a file named
public final class ShapeShifter implements Seq.Proxy {
shapeshifter/ error: cannot access Shapeshifter
static { Shapeshifter.touch(); }
bad source file: ./shapeshifter/
file does not contain class shapeshifter.Shapeshifter
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the sourcepath.
2 errors
Renaming the file to shapeShifter.go
and the package declaration in shapeshifter go to package shapeShifter
fixes it.