Make establishing outgoing connections the transport's responsibility.
ClientFactories now have a Dial() method instead of a WrapConn() method, so that it is possible to write something like meek-client using the obfs4proxy framework. This breaks the external interface if anyone is using obfs4proxy as a library, but the new way of doing things is a trivial modification, to a single routine that shouldn't have been very large to begin with.
- obfs4proxy/obfs4proxy.go 2 additions, 11 deletionsobfs4proxy/obfs4proxy.go
- transports/base/base.go 6 additions, 4 deletionstransports/base/base.go
- transports/obfs2/obfs2.go 10 additions, 2 deletionstransports/obfs2/obfs2.go
- transports/obfs3/obfs3.go 10 additions, 2 deletionstransports/obfs3/obfs3.go
- transports/obfs4/obfs4.go 11 additions, 3 deletionstransports/obfs4/obfs4.go
- transports/scramblesuit/base.go 12 additions, 2 deletionstransports/scramblesuit/base.go