OLD: Integrate bitmask-core/implement v5 #758
This branch is based on !171 (merged).
Currently only a draft for tracking.
Not committing/pushing because code changes often.
current state, changes, TODOs and things to discuss
ISSUE #771 (closed)
- moved to zerolog from default "log"
- different log levels, specified by env variable
- pkg/config/logger.go
- some packages are missing and using the old log
- log level: TRACE, DEBUG, default (INFO)
- logging of qt stuff
- what to log (privacy)
- logrotate?
- rename file?
- log file format sucks a bit with the json
- logging of qt stuff
v5 implementation
- interface Bitmask, which is implemented twice: Bitmask3 and Bitmask5
- Bitmask3 implementation moved to bitmask/legacy
- Bitmask5 implementation lays in bitmask/*.go
- big v3/v5 switch is in bitmask/init.go (initBitmaskVPN)
- configuration: new field (apiVersion) in provider settings (providers/vendor.conf)
- poc/dummy checkGatewayOverload implementation is also part of this branch (but not called)
- interface.go: InstallHelpers(), useUDP, DoLogin/SetTransport
bitmask-core integration
- code lays in pkg/vpn/menshen/
- real v5 stuff lays in pkg/vpn/menshen/v5_implementation.go
- there are comments where things will be moved (this is just to see the real v5 changes)
- tests in pkg/vpn/menshen/v5_implementation_test.go
- changes: less and cleaner code
- no old old stuff (gatewayV1, gatewayV3)
- removed the NoDNS/static ip path
- removed some debugging stuff: LEAP_OPENVPN_EXTRA_CONFIG
- no second api (geoip), just just use bitmask-core
- removed the auth code: add if we need it
- flatten abstraction: removed the gatewayPool struct
- simplified logic of: giveMeGatewaysToConnect() function
- use swagger: models.ModelsGateway instead of Gateway
- for debugging: env for API_URL
- it's a first version. Some implementation details are missing (needs features in menshen)
- GOOD: GetPemCertificate() (just ask bitmask-core, future work: maybe add caching (in core?))
- OK: GetOpenvpnArgs() -> currently, we get it from /service via bitmask-core
- rename endpoint in menshen (have a dedicated one?)?
- have it per gateway? Does not make sense if we run openvpn with multiple --remote args
- OK? - FetchGateways()
- currently, menshen returns 4 (random) gateways: curl -s localhost:8443/api/5/gateways | jq '.[].host'
- build m.gwLocations = ["Paris", "Amsterdam"]
- build m.m.gwsByLocation = { "Paris": gw1, gw2, gw3, "Amsterdam": gw4, gw5}
- not sending current country code - DoLocationLookup() in bitmask-core
- menshen TODOs:
- gateway: add "display name" + countryCode
- cc "filtering"
- GetBestLocation() -> return m.gwLocations[0] (Could use smallest rtt)
- GetLocationQualityMap(): qualityMap["Paris"] = 23 based on rtt
- choose location and connect:
- no metric by menshen: get first three two gateways per location
- menshen TODO:
- metric for each gateway
- gateway (better: VPNEndpoint) currently returns a list => will be a single port
- but: not protocol (udp/tcp)
Things I want to discuss in the future
- non-recoverable errors are just printed. Then it segfaults somewhere
- can not write management password/cert to disk
- parsing provider json / can not parse string to int (listen port for OpenVPN management Backend)
- state of UDP: can be enabled in settings, stored in config file => remove everywhere and prefer it always (part of next release?)
- Snowflake support
- there is code in v3 that works, but needs a dependency ("snowflake-client" binary + tor)
- it's not fully integrated in the UI (button is disabled, env variable is needed)
- Check if it's installed => use it (allow to enable it in the settings)?
- Can we remove the vendor dir? I don't see benefits, only problems
- GUI/network race conditions:
- GetBestLocation() triggered by GUI => what if the fetch from menshen is not yet done/blocked? -> sleep? return an error?, show an error in the GUI? -> show initial splash screen until we are in a good state
v5 TODOs
get !171 (merged) merged (refactor to get v5 done) -
Make proper commits -
logging: also log date date rein, log filename, close log file/return value? -
improve error handling in GUI -
race: Trying to get locationQualityMap, but m.Gateways is empty -
race: menshen is offline, start desktop => I can click connect, even there if there are (not yet) gateways => created an issue for this
bitmask-root (if it runs openvpn) returns an error => update gui state (showing pending.../connecting) -
startVPN => segfault on race condition if ip is blocked/Bitmask struct is not yet initialized
grep: TODO -
tests: in bitmask/utils_test.go add test files and check functionality of isValidCert Understand/improve helper installation/check -
LEAP_DRYRUN=1 does not work, state is broken, gui... -
implement more v5 stuff, that curerntly needs changes in menshen menshen#31 (comment 1183875) -
send country code to menshen -
Location: display name (remove all the string.Title
calls) -
load: calc proper qualityMap for each location -
logic: calc best location -
logic: calc best gateways per location
v5 check code
autostart -
Bitmask5: use gateawy/ptGateway genutzt? move to menshen? -
GetMotd => Fehler => should return dict? -
get stderr/warnings from bitmask-root/openvpn (a lot of deprecation messages) -
Check why/how often toJson
is called
debugging/env variables
ISSUE #772 (closed)
- env variables
- v3/v5 switch
New/Resutling issues
- Handle reconnect after system goes into sleep/hibernate #795
- Connecting with udp 53 (sometimes?) fail: #796 (closed)
- Understand/improve helper installation/check: #797 (closed)
- location/gateway/port selection in v5 #788
- Show error messages to user #799
Edited by Pea Nut