Could not set invalid location location="\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
I don't know where this is coming from....
I could reproduce it with update-swagger
branch and latest menshen. It seems like only v5 is affected.
Could not reproduce it with main:
git checkout main
PROVIDER=riseup make vendor
PROVIDER=riseup QMAKE=qmake6 make build -j $(nproc)
API_VERSION=5 API_URL=http://localhost:8443 LOG_LEVEL=TRACE build/qt/release/riseup-vpn
On the menshen side:
go run ./cmd/menshen/main.go --verbose --from-eip-url --allow-bridge-list --allow-gateway-list --client-cert-url --ca-file riseup-ca.pem
We can not menshen/main. (we need Gateway.Ports instead of Gateway.Port). Therefore I use commit 17eb073c2c178b2054990a3971ddcd087a9e8d24. It needs !222 (merged) merged into bitmask-vpn before we can test with latest menshen
Edited by Pea Nut