Snowflake does not work - output file of eip.json is wrong
Probably introduced by the v5 merge. It worked before.
2024-06-27T16:55:38+02:00 DBG Snowflake progress progress=90% tag=ap_handshake_done
qml: status off
qml: status off
2024-06-27T16:55:39+02:00 DBG Snowflake progress progress=100% tag=done
2024-06-27T16:55:39+02:00 DBG Fetching file over snowflake and saving to disk outFile=/home/pea/.config/leap/https:/ uri=
qml: status off
2024-06-27T16:55:41+02:00 DBG Data received: {"gateways": [{"capabilities": {"adblock": false, "filter_dns": false, "limited": false, "transport": [{"ports": ["53", "80", "1194"], "protocols": ["tcp", "udp"], "type": "openvpn"}, {"options": {"cert": "k0L4LFg0Wk98v7P66xvgAx2ud+kggvjZX/qul3iFTJGH5X7xSHT+vVL4UZR0WI3SkmDzUg", "iatMode": "0"}, "ports": ["443"], "protocols": ["tcp"], "type": "obfs4"}]}, "host": "", "ip_address": "", "location": "North Brabant"}, {"capabilities": {"adblock": false, "filter_dns": false, "limited": false, "transport": [{"ports": ["53", "80", "1194"], "protocols": ["tcp", "udp"], "type": "openvpn"}, {"options": {"cert": "k0L4LFg0Wk98v7P66xvgAx2ud+kggvjZX/qul3iFTJGH5X7xSHT+vVL4UZR0WI3SkmDzUg", "iatMode": "0"}, "ports": ["443"], "protocols": ["tcp"], "type": "obfs4"}]}, "host": "", "ip_address": "", "location": "Florida"}], "locations": {"Florida": {"country_code": "US", "hemisphere": "N", "name": "United States", "timezone": "-6"}, "North Brabant": {"country_code": "NL", "hemisphere": "N", "name": "Netherlands", "timezone": "+2"}}, "openvpn_configuration": {"auth": "SHA512", "cipher": "AES-256-GCM", "data-ciphers": "AES-256-GCM", "dev": "tun", "float": "", "keepalive": "10 30", "key-direction": "1", "nobind": true, "persist-key": true, "rcvbuf": "0", "sndbuf": "0", "tls-cipher": "TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384", "tls-version-min": "1.2", "verb": "3"}, "serial": 3, "version": 3}
2024-06-27T16:55:41+02:00 WRN Could not fetch gateways error="Could not initialize snowflake: open /home/pea/.config/leap/https:/ no such file or directory"
qrc:/components/MaterialButton.qml:53:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to QColor
2024-06-27T16:55:51+02:00 INF Getting OpenVPN client certificate
2024-06-27T16:55:51+02:00 TRC Checking for a valid OpenVPN client credentials (key and certificate) path=/tmp/leap-947412646/openvpn.pem
2024-06-27T16:55:51+02:00 DBG Could not read certificate file path=/tmp/leap-947412646/openvpn.pem
qrc:/components/MaterialButton.qml:53:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to QColor
qml: status off
qrc:/components/MaterialButton.qml:53:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to QColor
qrc:/components/MaterialButton.qml:53:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to QColor
qml: status off
qrc:/components/MaterialButton.qml:53:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to QColor
2024-06-27T16:55:52+02:00 TRC Checking for a valid OpenVPN client credentials (key and certificate) path=/tmp/leap-947412646/openvpn.pem
2024-06-27T16:55:52+02:00 DBG Successfully verified certificate path=/tmp/leap-947412646/openvpn.pem
2024-06-27T16:55:52+02:00 INF Snowflake is enabled. Fetching eip json and certificate via snowflake (SNOWFLAKE=1)
2024-06-27T16:55:52+02:00 WRN Could not start VPN error="open /home/pea/.config/leap/https:/ no such file or directory"
qrc:/components/MaterialButton.qml:53:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to QColor
qml: status off
2024-06-27T16:55:39+02:00 DBG Fetching file over snowflake and saving to disk outFile=/home/pea/.config/leap/https:/
This needs to be fixed.