[bridge] `obfs4` not working on windows
logs from bitmask-vpn, need to also test on the other two platforms
2024/02/18 02:09:32 Setting transport to obfs4
2024/02/18 02:09:47 Getting certificate...
2024/02/18 02:09:47 DEBUG We have a valid cert: C:\cygwin64\tmp\leap-971815692/openvpn.pem
2024/02/18 02:09:47 Getting a gateway with obfs4 transport...
2024/02/18 02:09:47 Selected Gateway: vpn15-sea.riseup.net
2024/02/18 02:09:47 connecting with cert: /ntRNI6JYP7R6kGKldibKWj0aCsv96Hdu/jSGncPy+rcverCLI7Emod+vRkz61hM7F/udA
2024/02/18 02:09:47 start: no firewall in windows
2024/02/18 02:09:47 VERB 0
2024/02/18 02:09:47 [+] Starting socks5 proxy at
2024/02/18 02:09:47 openvpn start: --client --dev tun --block-outside-dns --redirect-gateway --script-security 0 --data-ciphers AES-256-GCM --tls-cipher TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384 --tls-version-min 1.2 --auth SHA512 --dev tun --float --keepalive 10 30 --key-direction 1 --nobind --persist-key --data-ciphers AES-256-GCM --rcvbuf 0 --sndbuf 0 --verb 3 --socks-proxy 8080 --remote 443 tcp4 --route net_gateway --verb 3 --management-client --management 6061 C:\cygwin64\tmp\leap-971815692\leap-vpn-1711070299 --ca C:\cygwin64\tmp\leap-971815692/cacert.pem --cert C:\cygwin64\tmp\leap-971815692/openvpn.pem --key C:\cygwin64\tmp\leap-971815692/openvpn.pem --persist-tun --pull-filter ignore route
2024/02/18 02:09:47 OpenVPN PID: 2400
2024/02/18 02:09:47 New connection into the management
2024/02/18 02:09:52 Event: INFO: OpenVPN Management Interface Version 5 -- type 'help' for more info
2024/02/18 02:09:53 Event: TCP_CONNECT
2024/02/18 02:09:55 read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
2024/02/18 02:09:55 Event: RECONNECTING: socks-error
2024/02/18 02:09:55 read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
2024/02/18 02:09:56 Event: TCP_CONNECT
2024/02/18 02:10:01 Event: RECONNECTING: socks-error
2024/02/18 02:10:02 Event: TCP_CONNECT
2024/02/18 02:10:07 Event: RECONNECTING: socks-error
2024/02/18 02:10:08 Event: TCP_CONNECT
2024/02/18 02:10:13 Event: RECONNECTING: socks-error
2024/02/18 02:10:15 Event: TCP_CONNECT
2024/02/18 02:10:20 Event: RECONNECTING: socks-error
2024/02/18 02:10:24 Event: TCP_CONNECT
2024/02/18 02:10:29 Event: RECONNECTING: socks-error
2024/02/18 02:10:32 read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
2024/02/18 02:10:32 read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
2024/02/18 02:10:32 read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
2024/02/18 02:10:32 read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
2024/02/18 02:10:32 read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
2024/02/18 02:10:37 Event: TCP_CONNECT
2024/02/18 02:10:42 Event: RECONNECTING: socks-error
2024/02/18 02:10:48 read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
2024/02/18 02:10:48 stop: no firewall in windows
2024/02/18 02:10:57 Setting transport to openvpn
2024/02/18 02:10:59 Event: TCP_CONNECT
2024/02/18 02:11:03 read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
2024/02/18 02:11:03 Event: RECONNECTING: socks-error
2024/02/18 02:11:11 stop: no firewall in windows
2024/02/18 02:11:24 Close: cleanup and vpn shutdown...
2024/02/18 02:11:24 stop: no firewall in windows
2024/02/18 02:11:36 Event: TCP_CONNECT
2024/02/18 02:11:41 Event: RECONNECTING: socks-error