This is a frontend for [MAT2-web](
## Environment Variables (Config)
These are the config environment values that **MUST** be set to create a build.
| Env Variable | Example Value | Explanation |
| MAT_API_HOST_PLACEHOLDER | | The url of the API (with slash at the end) |
| FRONTEND_URL_PLACEHOLDER | | The url where the frontend is hosted |
The following variables are **optional** and must match the API configuration.
| Env Variable | Default Value | Explanation |
| MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE | 16777216 | Max file size for an uploaded file (16MB default) |
| MAX_UPLOAD_FILES | 10 | The number of files that can be uploaded simultaneously. |
1) Install dependencies: `yarn install` and add the quasar cli `yarn global add @quasar/cli`
2) Export all needed env variables. Alternatively you can define the config values in the `quasar.conf.js` file
on `build.env`. E.g. the following line: `API_URL: JSON.stringify(process.env.MAT2_API_URL_PROD)` and change it to:
3) `quasar build -m pwa`
4) Copy the files from `./dist/pwa` to your hosting.
**Registry Frontend:**
**Registry Backend:**
A minimal example taken from a [docker-compose.yml](
version: '3'
To start developing clone this repository and run `docker compose up`. If
`localhost:8080`. This will start the backend as well
using it's latest docker image. Codechanges will trigger an instant update in your browser.
If you update/add/remove dependencies you'll have to rebuild the container: `docker-compose up --build`.
Make sure you have a running backend instance that you can reference in the `quasar.js` file.
## Branching Workflow
For solving an issue you'll start by creating a branch and merge request for it.
When it's done you'll make a merge request for from your branch into the `develop` branch.
| Branch | Description |
| ---------|:-------------:|
| Develop | The develop branch MIGHT contain non *operational code |
| Main | The main branch MUST contain *operational code |
*operational: This means the code itself contains only working features and finished
tasks that have been tested and are known to be working.
We do use tags to mark releases. A tag SHOULD reference the main branch.
On tag creation you have to submit a changelog.
### Configuration
To set the base url of the backend you have to define
`MAT2_API_URL_DEV` for dev builds and `MAT2_API_URL_PROD`
for production builds. If you use the docker environment
this is customizable in the `docker-compose.yml` file.
If none of these are set it will default to `http://localhost:5000/` (slash at the end).
To make sure the open graph tags are working you need to set the
env variable `FRONTEND_URL_PLACEHOLDER=` to the domain name you're
## Translations
We'd love to receive any translation merge requests :).
## Dependency Management
We do use renovate which checks every night for updates and creates automated merge request.
## E2E Tests
Run the E2E tests: `quasar test --e2e cypress`.
We use the framework for testing.
## Docker
To build the prodcution image: `docker build -t mat-web-frontend .`
The nginx runs as non privileged user.
To start the container: `docker run -ti -p8080:8080 --security-opt no-new-privileges --security-opt seccomp=seccomp.json --read-only --tmpfs /var/www/html --tmpfs /tmp mat-web-frontend:latest`
This starts it on your host machine on port 8080.
## Podman
Build: `podman build -t matweb-frontend .`
Run: `podman run -ti --security-opt=no-new-privileges --read-only -p8080:8080 --tmpfs /var/www/html --tmpfs /tmp --security-opt no-new-privileges --security-opt seccomp=seccomp.json matweb-frontend`
## Design
You can find the design documents here: