To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGES.rst 1.35 KiB
0.5 (unreleased)
- New option
. We support a pluggable system to define alternative sources of randomness. Currently supported sources:"system"
. - Rename SRC_DIR to WORDLISTS_DIR (reflecting what it stands for).
- Use also flake8 with tox.
- Pass options to get_passphrase() instead of a bunch of single args.
0.4 (2015-03-30)
- Add --delimiter option (thanks to Rodolfo Gouveia).
0.3.1 (2015-03-29)
- Turned former diceware module into a Python package. This is to fix bug #1 Wordlists aren't included during installation, this time really. Wordlists will from now on be stored inside the diceware package. Again many thanks to conorsch who digged deep into the matter and also came up with a very considerable solution.
- Use readthedocs theme in docs.
0.3 (2015-03-28)
- Fix bug #1 Wordlists aren't included during installation . Thanks to conorsch
- Add --version option.
0.2 (2015-03-27)
- Minor documentation changes.
- Updated copyright infos.
- Add support for custom wordlists.
0.1 (2015-02-18)
- Initial release.