- Set default logging level to ERROR (was: CRITICAL)
- Fixed #44: provide a short and readable file-not-found message (many thanks to
`bhavin192 <>`_)
- Fixed #33. Make `en_eff` the new default wordlist. This results in slightly
decreased entropy per word (12.92 bits instead of 13.0), but provides prefix
code and better memorizable words. Thanks to @anarcat for the suggestion.
- Fixed #35. Make `realdice` source of randomness provide an equal distribution
of roll numbers even for sequences shorter than number of dice sides.
- Import `ConfigParser` instead of `SafeConfigParser` if the latter is an alias
of the former.
- Fixed #38. Get wordlists dir by function (instead of const) to allow
reproducible builds. Kudos go to @drebs, again.
- Fixed #32, in docs tell that ``--no-caps`` option does not generate
lower-case terms.
- Fixed #31, broken `realdice` source of randomness. `argparse` related bug,
Bug was discovered and fixed by @LogosOfJ, thanks a lot!
- Fixed #29. Tell about code prefix problem in README.
- Activated logging. Using `verbose` will result in additional output.
- Added `--dice-sides` option to tell how many sides used dices
- Changed API interface of `get_config_dict()` to allow more flexible
handling of config files.
- Added new wordlist ``en_eff``. It is a 7776-terms list provided by
the Electronic Frontier Foundation. See
for details. Thanks to `George V. Reilly
<>`_ for hinting!
- Fixed #27. Allow dashes in numbered wordlists. Yet, these looked
like ``1234 myterm``. We now also accept ``1-2-3-4 myterm``.
- Closed #23. @dwcoder provided a fix that allows use of
whitespace-only values in diceware confg files if they are enclosed
in quotes.
- Fixed #21. @dwcoder revealed and fixed (again!). This time `--caps`
and `--no-caps` settings did not work properly when set in CLI or in
- New dependency: `sphinx_rtd_theme` for generating docs. This theme
was formerly a dependency of `Sphinx`.
- Fixed #19. @dwcoder revealed and fixed a nasty bug in the real-dice
randomness-source. Thanks a lot!
default list. Thanks to `heartsucker
<>`_ who compiled and added the list.
- Remove support for Python 3.2. Several packages we depend on for testing
and sandboxing stopped Python 3.2 support. We follow them.
- Fix docs: the default wordlist is named ``en``. Some docs were not
up-to-date in that regard.
- Tests do not depend on `pytest-cov`, `pytest-xdist` anymore.
- Support configuration files. You can set different defaults in a
file called ``.diceware.ini`` in your home directory.
- Renamed wordlist ``en_8k`` to ``en`` as it serves as the default
for english passphrases.
- New option ``-r``, ``--randomsource``. We support a pluggable system
to define alternative sources of randomness. Currently supported
sources: ``"system"`` (to retrieve randomness from standard library,
default) and ``realdice``, which allows use of real dice.
- New option ``-w``, ``--wordlist``. We now provide several wordlists
for users to choose from. Own wordlists could already be fed to
`diceware` before. By default we still use the 8192 words list from
- Rename `SRC_DIR` to `WORDLISTS_DIR` (reflecting what it stands for).
- Pass `options` to `get_passphrase()` instead of a bunch of single args.
- Turned former `diceware` module into a Python package. This is to
fix `bug #1 Wordlists aren't included during installation
<>`_, this time really.
Wordlists will from now on be stored inside the `diceware` package.
Again many thanks to `conorsch <>`_ who
digged deep into the matter and also came up with a very considerable
- Fix `bug #1 Wordlists aren't included during installation
<>`_ . Thanks to `conorsch