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Completely remove from guide

Pseudo Nym requested to merge github/fork/sharp-tailed/remove-privacy-tools into master

I find this type of behavior disgusting and we need to completely remove PTIO from the entire guide.

PTIO contains many links to sponsored/affiliate content. This is not normally an issue. I understand there is a need to have these things, and that it costs money to run servers and websites and things.

However, it has come to my attention that, when viewing mobile links, the site does NOT display any "affiliate" or "sponsor" notices.

An example of this:


<h5 class="app"><a href="hxxps://www.privacytools.xx/go/nordvpn-vpn" target="_blank" class="app">
NordVPN: 60 USD Yearly - Most Servers Available</a> <i class="fas fa-link fa-sm hideicon"></i></h5>

This is just one of many shady things that I've seen on their desktop vs mobile experience. I find this disgusting. I will place screenshots of the differences.



Source in mobile:

Merge request reports