Core Rules
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Core Book | Wiki |
Character Sheets | World Wiki |
Condensed Rules | Email an idea |
Introduction Module | Issues Board |
BIND is an open-source, grunge-fantasy, tabletop RPG, which:
- optimizes the crap out of everything (in ways you probably won't notice),
- is an 'adult game' (meaning we all have jobs, and need to set-up-and-go without homework or very much prep),
- will never have any house rules (because anyone can change the source files and reprint the PDF).
Getting the Book
Download it from the [link][core download], then take it to your local, friendly, print-shop. Everything in the book has been optimized for reading on paper, and reading two-columns of blinding-white PDF on a monitor will only give you a headache.
Compiling the Book Yourself
- Clone this repo.
- Install the required packages:
- For Debian/ Mint/ Ubuntu:
apt install inkscape make texlive-full git-lfs latexmk
. - For Arch Linux:
pacman -S inkscape make git git-lfs texlive-binextra texlive-latexextra texlive-fontsrecommended texlive-fontsextra && git lfs install
- For Void Linux:
xbps-install inkscape make texlive-full git-lfs texlive-latexmk
- For Debian/ Mint/ Ubuntu:
- Enter the repo, and do
make all
For full setup instructions, see the wiki.
Related Books
- For a short introduction module, grab a copy of [Escape from the Horde][intro module]. It comes with a running commentary of the rules, and pre-made character sheets, ready to be torn from the back.
- For character creation, print the players' guide.
- To craft your own section of a monster-ridden world, open the Book of Judgement.
All rules are geared towards fast resolutions and player choices.
- One roll resolves almost everything.
- Roll
2D6 + Attribute + Skill + Bonus
.- Bonuses come from weapons, items, or the situation.
- Players try to roll above the TN ('Tie Number') to achieve something, while avoiding some danger.
- If they roll above the TN, they succeed.
- If you roll below the TN, the danger occurs.
- If you roll equal to the TN, they succeed but the danger also occurs.
- Dice are never re-rolled.
- If a different character tries the action, they must use the same dice roll. So if the first character rolled a '5', the second will also have rolled a '5' (but a higher Bonus means they may still succeed).
- Roll
- Combat works similarly.
- In combat, attack and defence are the same roll.
- If you miss, the enemy damages you.
- Players spend Action Points to determine who goes first, and decide where their character is focussed.
- In combat, attack and defence are the same roll.
- Spellcasters spend Mana Points.
- GMs don't roll often, so they can focus on interpretation and reaction.
Get Involved
The book is under an open source licence, you have access to the same files which I do. Anyone who plays it can change the book with their own rules. If you want to get involved, there are a number of ways to contribute:
- Emailing ideas here and they will appear on the issues board.
- Posting ideas directly on the board.
- Join the project, and start fixing issues.
- Playtesting.
- Contributing art.
- Or if you don't like how I'm handling the book, fork it and make your own.