@@ -409,9 +409,7 @@ So if a hunting bow deals $1D6+2$ Damage, the archer will need at least a Streng
Having a Strength of 3 will not increase the Damage, but it can decrease the firing time.
To pull back the heavy load on a long bow requires 2~\glspl{ap}, plus the bow's Damage bonus, so a bow which deals +3 Damage requires 5~\glspl{ap} to fire.%
This may seem harsh, but bows really are harsh. Archers pointing their bow downwards and drawing an arrow back must pull a weight similar to lifting a human by their foot.
\footnote{If this seems harsh, note that pulling back a big longbow is the equivalent of lifting up a human by their foot.}
Long bows can be fired for hundreds of yards -- the maximum range is generally more determined by the archer's ability to aim rather than the bow.
@@ -445,15 +443,15 @@ when used in combat, but only
\dmg{weaponDamage} when thrown.
\subsubsection{Impromptu Weapons}
\subsubsection{Impromptu Thrown Weapons}
are available only to the very rich, as sensible people don't throw swords, axes, knives, or cups away.
But if a player insists on exotic financial ballistics, they can inflict cuts, bruises, and very bad headaches on enemies, as they receive a -2 penalty to hit for every 5 steps distance from the target, and a -2 penalty to Damage.
\longsword\weaponName s don't make great projectiles, but they still deal
But if a player insists on ballistic financial decisions, they can inflict cuts, bruises, and very bad headaches on enemies; the weapon receives a -2 penalty to hit and -2 Damage, and another -1 penalty per~\gls{step} thrown.
\longsword\weaponName s don't make great projectiles, but they deal