@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ The character can spend multiple \glspl{ap} to move in order to build up momentu
The character can guard others at a cost of 0~\glspl{ap}, and gains a +1~Bonus when defending someone from attack (but only when someone attempts to hit the target -- not when they try to hit the defending character).
Those being guarded must be close beside or behind them, as usual.
See \autopageref{guarding} for the manoeuvre.
As usual, the character can only guard allies within \pgls{step}.
Full details for the manoeuvre are \vpageref{guarding}.
\subsubsection{Last Stand}
@@ -85,10 +85,11 @@ The character has an additional 4~\glspl{fp}.
\subsubsection{Mighty Draw}
The character can pull back a longbow at lightning speed.
They reduce the \gls{ap}cost by a number equal to half the Knacks they have (rounded up).
They reduce the \gls{ap}~cost by a number equal to half the Knacks they have (rounded up).
Those with a crossbow can reload it one round faster than normal, but the minimum is 1~round.%
\footnote{This would normally be 6 rounds minus the character's Strength score. See page \pageref{crossbow} for more.}
\footnote{This would normally be 6 rounds minus the character's Strength score.