The character can declare that they are attempting to stun an opponent.
They then take a -1 Penalty to Attack, and must have more \glspl{ap} than the opponent, but if they successfully hit, the opponent takes standard Damage, and loses a number of \glspl{ap} equal to the Knacks the character has.
They then take a -1 Penalty to Attack, and must have more \glspl{ap} than the opponent.
If they successfully hit, the opponent takes standard Damage, and loses a number of \glspl{ap} equal to the Knacks the character has.
@@ -191,9 +192,9 @@ A lot of spellcasters rely solely on this type of magic to cast spells, focussin
The caster's magic is fuelled by hatred and tenacity.
If the character has 0~\glspl{fp} and loses a single \gls{hp} then they gain +2 to their effective chosen casting Attribute Bonus until the end of the \gls{interval}.
If they have lost half their \gls{hp} then they gain an additional Bonus equal to the number of Knacks they have.
The caster fuels their spells through hatred and bile.
If the character has 0~\glspl{fp} and loses a single \gls{hp} then they gain a +2 Bonus to \gls{casting}.
If they have lost half their \gls{hp} then they instead gain a Bonus equal to the number of Knacks they have.
This Knack can only be used when there is a legitimate grievance.
The \gls{witch} does not gain the bonus when they have harmed themself.