@@ -168,13 +168,26 @@ Once night falls, most bed in \pgls{bothy}.
If the \gls{bothy} hasn't the space for the mounts, some traders make space for a horse or two inside their wagons.
Others carry a `hardened half-yurt' -- a large covering, made of leather and wooden latices, which they affix to \pgls{bothy}'s side, to make space for a couple of horses.
Humans can endure a hard-march better than most.
Despite their slow gait, they can out-pace almost anything in the long-term.%
Opening doors is a dangerous business -- anything might be on the other side, especially first thing in the morning.
If \pgls{crawler} or \gls{woodspy} encounter occurs during the night, the \gls{monster} may sit on a roof, waiting for people to come out the front door.
Rolling a tie indicates the inhabitant spots the creature, but still comes just within grabbing distance; the creature receives a -2 Penalty to their first attack roll.
Co\"ordinating with a neighbour grants a +2 Bonus to the roll, assuming the neighbour can look out some spy-hole and confirm the roof and doorway have nothing lurking on them.
Many in \gls{fenestra} also carry \pgls{dawnDolly} -- a kind of scare-crow on a stick which people can waggle outside their door, so that anything lurking on the roof will grab the doll, rather than the inhabitants.
\Glspl{dawnDolly} add a +3 Bonus to gaining a non-lethal morning.
\subsection{Journeys on Water}
The coast is a barren border between land and death.