@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ The character requires 1 less to achieve \pgls{vitalShot} (covered \vpageref{vit
With this Knack they still require a score of 9 to hit but only a score of 11 to make \pgls{vitalShot}.
Characters with this Knack can also bypass Perfect armour by rolling 6 points above the opponent's\gls{tn}.
Characters with this Knack can also bypass Perfect armour by rolling 6 points above the opponent's~\gls{tn}.
This one doesn't fuck about, and it shows.
Sentient enemies receive a -2Penalty when taking Morale Checks.%
Sentient enemies receive a -2~Penalty when taking Morale Checks.%
\subsubsection{Snap Draw}
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ All Medicine rolls to save the character from death receive a Bonus equal to hal
\subsubsection{Weapon Master}
The character has trained long and hard with a particular weapon, such as a longsword, spear, shortbow, or rocks.
They gain+1 to their Attack Bonus when using that weapon.
They gain~+1 to their Attack Bonus when using that weapon.
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ A lot of spellcasters rely solely on this type of magic to cast spells, focussin
The caster fuels their spells through hatred and bile.
If the character has 0~\glspl{fp} and loses a single \gls{hp} then they gain a +2Bonus to \gls{casting}.
If the character has 0~\glspl{fp} and loses a single \gls{hp} then they gain a +2~Bonus to \gls{casting}.
If they have lost half their \gls{hp} then they instead gain a Bonus equal to the number of Knacks they have.
This Knack can only be used when there is a legitimate grievance.
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ The Knack might also be used when \pgls{pc} or member of \pgls{characterPool} ha
\subsubsection{Chosen Enemy}
The character has a burning hatred and fascination for a particular type of creature.
The character gains a -2~Penalty when interacting socially with such creatures and a +1when performing actions such as tracking them, attacking them or intimidating them.
The character gains a -2~Penalty when interacting socially with such creatures and a +1~when performing actions such as tracking them, attacking them or intimidating them.
For each Knack the player has, they may select a new chosen enemy, so those with a total of 3 Knacks may select 3 chosen enemies. Those enemies may be chosen at any time, including long after a new Knack has been bought.