@@ -767,15 +767,13 @@ While sneaking, players can say anything about what their character does, but an
Everyone in the \gls{guard} practices paranoia daily.
When the new fodder enter, they see their superiors flinching at every noise and staying awake all night with their backs to the fire, staring into the darkness wide-eyed, for hours; and they think `maybe that could be me one day'.
When the new \glspl{fodder} enter, they see their superiors flinching at every noise and staying awake all night with their backs to the fire, staring into the darkness wide-eyed, for hours; and they think `maybe that could be me one day'.
lets one keep watch over a camp, despite a long day's march and a quiet fire.
Staying up all night inflicts 3~\glspl{ep}, so a troupe can divide this into the first watch receiving 2~\glspl{ep} and the second receiving 1, or any other combination.
Travelling troupes make a single group roll to keep watch.
Staying up all night can \glsdesc{holdingVigil}, so one \gls{pc} may receive \glspl{ep}, or two \glspl{pc} could take one each.
to feel out the right route in a lightless labyrinth.