@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Those with a lower Speed Bonus must wait one cumulative round extra, before acti
\subsubsection{Negative \Glsfmtlongpl{ap}}
inflict a Penalty to all \glspl{action}.
Once someone reaches 0~\glspl{ap}, they cannot initiate any actions, but they must engage in\pgls{quickaction} if \pgls{npc} attacks them -- resistance is mandatory.
Once someone reaches 0~\glspl{ap}, they cannot initiate any actions, but they must still spend\glspl{ap} if \pgls{npc} attacks them -- resistance is mandatory.
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ However, if more than one character wants to go first, use this order:
allows any character to move up to 1~\gls{step}, position themselves in front of another player, and receive all attacks from their front.
Anyone attacking a guarded character must first make a standard combat roll against the guardian, and if that attack succeeds they deal no Damage, but have the option to make a second attack, as \pgls{quickaction}, against the guarded character.
Anyone attacking a guarded character must first make a standard combat roll against the guardian, and if that attack succeeds they deal no Damage, but have the option to make a second attack, against the guarded character.
If a guarded character moves, they lose the benefits of their guardian.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ The character's gains +2 to Brawl attacks, grabs, shoves, and anything else unar
The character can cut through more than one opponent at a time, or slice open multiple skulls with a single arc of metal.
Any time the character reduces an opponent to 0~\glspl{hp}, the attack continues through the next opponent, using the same \gls{natural}.
The character does not need to spend any \glspl{ap} for these further attacks, as they are part of the same swing, but opponents must spend \glspl{ap}for \pgls{quickaction}, as usual.
The character does not need to spend any \glspl{ap} for these further attacks, as they are part of the same swing, but opponents must spend \glspl{ap} as usual.
If the attack succeeds then Damage is rolled again, and if the next opponent dies, then the process continues, until an opponent is not reduced to 0~\glspl{hp}, or until no more living opponents remain within range.