@@ -335,16 +335,15 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
@@ -335,16 +335,15 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
\spell{Miner's Bane}% Name
\spell{Barrel Blast}% Name
{divergent}% Enhancements
{divergent}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Wane}% Action
{Earth, Air}% Spheres
{Air, Water}% Spheres
{\roll{Speed}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with
{\roll{Speed}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with
{As the caster curses the target's bread, air, and Sunlight, the ground underneath their feet softens, and their next breath of air sticks to the inside of their throat like thorny cotton.
{As the caster spits, \arabic{spellPlusTwo} barrels of water (or equivalent) turn to vapour and rush around a target.
Targets who fail to dart away quickly fall prone, and take\arabic{spellPlusTwo}~\glspl{ep}}% Description
If the target breathes in, they gain\arabic{spellPlusTwo}~\glspl{ep}}% Description
This spell relies on soft ground to make the target slip.
The water should be clearly visible, such as a stream or an actual barrel of water.}
Harder floors will not melt, and the spell will settle on the nearest soft earth it can find.}
\spell{Dock Hickory}% Name
\spell{Dock Hickory}% Name
{divergent}% Enhancements
{divergent}% Enhancements
@@ -356,6 +355,17 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
@@ -356,6 +355,17 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
This spell relies on soft ground to make the target slip.
This spell relies on soft ground to make the target slip.
Harder floors will not melt, and the spell will settle on the nearest soft earth it can find.}
Harder floors will not melt, and the spell will settle on the nearest soft earth it can find.}
\spell{Miner's Bane}% Name
{divergent}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Earth, Air}% Spheres
{\roll{Speed}{Wyldcrafting}}% Resist with
{As the caster curses the target's bread, air, and Sunlight, the ground underneath their feet softens, and their next breath of air sticks to the inside of their throat like thorny cotton.
Targets who fail to dart away quickly fall prone, and take \arabic{spellPlusTwo}~\glspl{ep} unless they held their breath}% Description
This spell relies on soft ground to make the target slip.
Harder floors will not melt, and the spell will settle on the nearest soft earth it can find.}