@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ If you spend a \gls{round} moving at your maximum speed in order to engage with
The character can cut through more than one opponent at a time, or slice open multiple skulls with a single arc of metal.
Any time the character reduces an opponent below 1 \gls{hp}, they can immediately make another attack at no Initiative cost against anyone in range of the weapon; if that attack reduces the opponent below 1 \gls{hp} then further attacks can be made until no further enemies are within range or the character fails to fell an enemy.
This knack can only be used with missile weapons if an enemies are standing behind each other.
With a flick of your sword into an opponent's wrist or by trapping the hilt you can throw an opponent's sword away. This manoeuvre takes the normal amount of Initiative for using your weapon. You and your opponent make a \textit{resisted} Dexterity + Combat Action, \gls{tn} 7. If the disarm attempt is successful, the weapon is thrown $1D3$ squares in a random direction.
@@ -66,10 +68,12 @@ Other Knacks from weapons do not count towards the total.
\subsubsection{First Strike}\label{firststrike}
The character is well practised at getting the first hit in.
They receive +1 Initiative on the first \gls{round} of combat equal to half the character's Knacks.
They receive an Initiative bonus on the first \gls{round} of combat equal to half the character's Knacks.
This Knack can be taken any number of times, with all secondary uses granting an additional +1 Initiative.
For example, while using a spear (which has the Knack: First Strike, in-built), and the Knack, a character would gain +2 Initiative on the first \gls{round} if attacking with the spear.
The knack resets if the \gls{pc} ever spends a full round of combat moving.
@@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ When the character is defending themself they use their normal Evasion Bonus.
\subsubsection{Last Stand}
Any time the character loses their last \gls{fp} they immediately gain +5 Initiative points plus one per Knack the character has.
Any time the character loses \glspl{hp} they immediately gain +5 Initiative points plus one per Knack the character has.
The Initiative Count goes back up to the highest Initiative to let you act (presumably) alone.
The character also gains a number of \gls{mp} equal to the number of Knacks they have.