@@ -61,8 +61,30 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
\spell{Little Big}% Name
{Fire, Air}% Spheres
{Warp}% Action
{}% Enhancements
{\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
{The caster mixes a malaphor, and the target's size contorts like a funhouse mirror, inflicting a -\arabic{spellCost} penalty to ranged attacks against them}% Description
{A gnome seen from ten steps might appear to be the size of a human, or a human may appear the size of a gnome.
The closer one approaches the target, the more normal it appears.}
\spell{Shadow}% Name
{Fire, Air}% Spheres
{Wane}% Action
{}% Enhancements
{\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
{As the caster whispers, a single patch of darkness, the length of a step, forms anywhere within range}% Description
{It can completely obscure a candle's light, and diminish a torch's light to the strength of a candle.
The patch of shadow joins to a target.
If cast on a person, the shadow remains attached to them, inflicting a -1 penalty to noticing things (and becomes very irritating, very quickly).
The shadow fades once sunlight touches it for \pgls{interval}.}
@@ -240,6 +262,13 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
\spell{Shadow Puppet}% Name
{detailed}% Enhancements
{Wane}% Action
{Fire, Air}% Spheres
{\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
{One target shadow forms a detailed silhouette, and may even stand up and away from the ground}% Description
{During the daylight, it simply appears very strange; but at night these shadow puppets can easily fool someone into thinking a monster, or even a particular person lies waiting, in the distance.}
@@ -248,6 +277,18 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
\spell{Watchman}% Name
{detailed}% Enhancements
{Warp}% Action
{Water, Fate}% Spheres
{spell's level}% Resist with
{The caster speaks to a spell, and convinces it to copy their own Code of belief.
It gains Intelligence and Charisma Bonuses of -1}% Description
{Casters use this spell to control illusions, to make water rage in one direction rather than another, to convince a large wind to leave their companions alone, or suggest to a curse spell the best time to spring a nasty surprise on the target.
The caster must be able to sense the spell in order to address it, which often demands a \textit{Witness} spell come first.
These spells tend to take advice from the caster for a while, but soon after make their own interpretations of what they want.}