@@ -679,27 +679,32 @@ Sailors don't just sail, they typically know how to fish, coordinate reefs, work
@@ -679,27 +679,32 @@ Sailors don't just sail, they typically know how to fish, coordinate reefs, work
The assassin finished his finest piece.
``Everyone wants to sail, nobody wants to build a boat''.
It had cost him two whole \glsentrylongpl{gp} to gather the wool, paper, and wax, and have the \gls{paperGuild} fashion the white squares.
Keelvore muttered the old phrase, as if cursing an enemy.
It took him \emph{days} to sew everything together.
Nobody could reliably cart stone from another land with two-man boats, and nobody could build a larger boat -- \gls{storm} destroys everything at every coast at the end of each \gls{cycle}.
The assassin tested the sails on a warm, sunny day.
``It's impossible!'', he shouted at his own schematics.
They billowed fine, and looked perfect.
And tomorrow, he would sell them for a good price to the captain of the Black Seal -- a proud captain, but a cruel and mean man.
``What's `impossible'?'', a little voice asked, somewhere under table-height.
The captain would demand they go up, his men (who knew better than to argue with him, or question his judgement) would put up the sails, and off they would go.
She hopped up to stand on a stool, and examining the maps, and oversized boat-designs.
And the sails should hold, at least till they had gone out a day.
Keelvore couldn't tell if she wanted to see the problem, or simply did not understand this one word.
Either way, she was hooked.
Once the sail went up, he would work on their anchor's chain.
``My cousin lives in a grotto, here'', she fingered a map.
The captain (and his crew) didn't stand a chance.
``If you could take the boat's mast down, it could live safely inside, even if it were twenty \glspl{step} long''.
The assassin relieved the desk of the weight of his large stomach, greeted the shop-keeper with a friendly wave, and asked cheerily if the shop intended to purchase and mend old sales when they sell new ones.
``Could little people really build such a boat?'', Keelvore tried to sound non-insulting.
``Of course -- we can always salvage some material, but just give them a little discount.''
``Would big people really want to sail a boat made with little hands?
I couldn't build it, but I could orchestrate the building.
How many humans do you have for labour?
What shall I call you?''
The assassin had his trophy.
``Maybe twenty?''
The ship's old sale would identify it by the weave, the holes, and little adverts woven into the edges, along with the date.
``Then we can do it -- `Maybetwen' -- stop drinking, we must plan with sober heads.''
Keelvore suddenly had doubts, but it seemed somehow too late to back out, even if nothing had begun.