@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ These standard rules should cover any situation, with the right interpretation.
However, for suggested interpretations with more detail, see \nameref{skill_uses}, \autopageref{skill_uses}.
\subsection{One Roll Only}
\index{Group actions}
Players only make one roll per action.
If the player wants to attempt to re-try an action, the result remains the same unless circumstances change.
@@ -175,38 +176,17 @@ When \pgls{pc} and \pgls{npc} act in opposition to each other, the player add th
The guard will have to use his \roll{Dexterity}{Combat} to resist the curse, but if he wins, he will inflict Damage (covered in \autoref{combat}).
\subsection{Banding Bonuses Together}
\index{Group actions}
Some tasks lend themselves to working with others. Others can be difficult or impossible to do with companions. Some tasks, such as fleeing or sneaking, do not benefit at all from having a load of friends right behind you.
When acting as a group provides no benefit, one player rolls the dice and the same result counts for everyone. If that player rolls a 9, then everyone's score is 9 and they add their own bonuses and penalties.
If, on the other hand, working together can benefit a situation, one character takes the lead, and up to three other characters can add up to half their bonus (rounded up).
Two companions with a +3 bonus would add a total of a +2 bonus.
Example Team Actions include:
\item Getting a broken cart down a hill without damaging it.
\item Tracking down a local thief in a large city.
\item Spotting danger in the wild.
Some tasks lend themselves to working with others.
Others can be difficult or impossible to do with companions.
When the troupe want to work together to get a broken cart down a hill safely, track down a thief, or spot danger, they can benefit from \textit{Banding}.
But when sneaking through an area, navigating, or understanding history, Banding together will not help.
In general, whenever you want to see how something stacks, add the second lot as half its usual value.
If two people are pushing with Strength +2, they count as having a total Strength of +3.
If others want to join, add any third items as worth a quarter, then an eighth, and so on.
When characters can work together, one person rolls with their Bonus, then adds half the second Bonus, a quarter of the next Bonus, and so on.
@@ -228,6 +208,13 @@ Convincing the townsfolk that they need to rebel against the baron, and could ea
\subsubsection{Generalized Banding}
The Banding system works with more than standard action Bonuses.
If two people are pushing with Strength +2, they count as having a total Strength of +3.
You'll find a few different rules are just the Banding rule applied to a different area (for example, \nameref{stackingarmour}, \vpageref{stackingarmour}).
@@ -433,18 +433,16 @@ One quarter of a +1 bonus is still 0, but half of a +3 bonus is always +2.
Every rule in BIND holds to this pattern, so you will never have to wonder about which results should round up, and which down.
You always round up.
\paragraph{Dangerous actions are not Restingactions}
\paragraph{Dangerous actions are not \glspl{restingaction}}
so if someone has to get this spell just right the first time, or judge the chances of a cave-in and commit to a particular tunnel, they do not get a resting action, even if they have a couple of moments (or months) to spare.
If a task must succeed first time, it's not a resting action!
\paragraph{It's only a Team Roll when working together helps.}
Writing as a group might seem fun, but it won't always help, so writing a play would not normally allow for a Team Roll.
And if the players ask to make a team roll to craft a fantastic statue, reply `no'.
Master carvers don't ask for help chiselling their statues, so the roll has to be a Group Roll, i.e. the lowest score can drag everyone down.
Conversely, anyone building a basic raft would welcome all the help they can get.
This shows that the group should be allowed a Team Roll.
\index{Banding Actions}
\paragraph{It's only a Banding Action when experts usually work together.}
People don't usually build ships alone -- it's far better to divide that work between many people.
On the other hand, poets usually work alone.
Having everyone add another verse is quite possible, but it won't make a poem faster, or better.
\paragraph{When in doubt, set the \glsentrytext{tn} high!}
\Gls{tn} 7 may seem like an standard, but it functions more like a basic number to add to.
@@ -452,7 +450,7 @@ A professional \gls{npc} would normally have a Skill at +2, and some relevant At
\footnote{See page \pageref{specialist}.}
which grants a +2 bonus.
That leaves professionals with at least a +5 Bonus to do their job.
And if they can take a Resting Action to do their job, they will roll at least 12 every time.
And if they can take \pgls{restingaction} to do their job, they will roll at least 12 every time.
Therefore, \gls{tn} 12 isn't monstrously high -- it represents a starting figure for basic professionals doing what professionals do.
And if the \emph{average} professional would struggle with a task, then a \gls{tn} of 14 or more fits fine!