@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
{Warp}% Action
{Fire, Air}% Spheres
{\roll{Wits}{Vigilance}}% Resist with
{The caster mixes a malaphor, and the target's size contorts like a funhouse mirror, inflicting a -\arabic{spellCost} penalty to ranged attacks against them}% Description
{The caster mixes a malaphor, and the target's size contorts like a funhouse mirror, inflicting a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} penalty to ranged attacks against them}% Description
{A gnome seen from ten steps might appear to be the size of a human, or a human may appear the size of a gnome.
The closer one approaches the target, the more normal it appears.}
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
{It can completely obscure a candle's light, and diminish a torch's light to the strength of a candle.
The patch of shadow joins to a target.
If cast on a person, the shadow remains attached to them, inflicting a -1 penalty to noticing things (and becomes very irritating, very quickly).
If cast on a person, the shadow remains attached to them, inflicting a -\arabic{spellPlusOne} penalty to noticing things (and becomes very irritating, very quickly).
The shadow fades once sunlight touches it for \pgls{interval}.}
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
They grant +1 to Damage while using the Brawl Skill}% Description
The antlers will stop the target wearing a helmet, so they cannot wear Complete armour.
The antlers shed over any cold season.}
The antlers shed over any cold season, or can be removed with a bone-knife.}
\spell{Slashers}% Name
{}% Enhancements
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ A good witch leaves no part of her prey unused.
{Wax}% Action
{Earth, Water}% Spheres
{current lost \glspl{hp} + 7}% Resist with
{The caster gathers tiny gifts for the target, and they begin to regenerate Damage faster, recuperating an extra \arabic{spellCost}\glspl{hp} each week.}% Description
{The caster gathers tiny gifts for the target, and they begin to regenerate Damage faster, recuperating an extra \arabic{spellPlusOne}\glspl{hp} each week}% Description
{During this time, the target's appetite grows substantially, and they need an extra \arabic{spellCost} meals every day to keep the spell going.}