Malin Freeborn authoredMalin Freeborn authored
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\chapter{Advanced Mechanisms}
\subsection{\Glsfmttext{downtime} Activities}
\makeRule{poison}{Brewing a poison}{Intelligence}{Medicine}{4}
Basic poisons inflict 2~\glspl{ep} over the course of \pgls{interval}, then stop.
People can notice a poison by smell or taste before they drink it, by rolling \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} (\tn[7]).
Poisons lose their potence over time -- the \gls{ep} loss suffered reduces by to half of what it was each week.
The standard roll begins at \tn[7].
The caster can add any of the following boons to the poison.
However, each boon increases the \gls{tn} by 1.
Inflict \pgls{ep} more per \pgls{interval}.
Increase the number of \glspl{interval} the poison will work for.
Increase the \gls{tn} to notice the poison.
Increase the shelf-life of the poison by a week.
A poison worthy of \gls{abderian} might inflict 4~\glspl{ep} each \gls{interval}, for 3~\glspl{interval}, and require a \roll{Wits}{Vigilance} roll at \tn[10] but this would raise the \gls{tn} from 7 to 14.
A tie indicates that the poison loses the first boon its creator gave it, and each Failure Margin takes another.
When no boons are left, the poison does nothing but smell bad.
\makeRule{sword_crafting}{Crafting a sword}{Strength}{Crafts}{15}
This requires equipment, such as moulds, and a long night.
It also requires a single level of the Melee Skill.
A tie indicates a completed sword, but a shattered mould.
\makeRule{make_mould}{Creating a weapon mould}{Intelligence}{Crafts}{11}
A weapon mould grants a +2 Bonus to weapon-crafting rolls.
Most metallurgists cannot form weapons without one.
\makeRule{make_armour}{Creating silent plate armour}{Intelligence}{Crafts}{16}
Creating silent plate requires planning from the outset -- existing armour cannot be properly modified.
The parts cost an additional 50\%, and the crafter must have both the Melee and Stealth Skills at level 1.
Every margin on the roll reduces the armour's penalty by 1, to a minimum of -1.
\makeRule{make_song}{Composing a new song}{Intelligence}{Performance}{10}
This won't let the character perform the song -- just compose, and possibly explain it.
Songs can boost or tarnish reputations, granting a Bonus or Penalty to social interactions, equal to half the roll's Margin.
\makeRule{tame_horse}{Taming a Horse}{Intelligence}{Cultivation}{depends on Horse's \roll{Wits}{Brawl}}
Wild horses still run wild in \gls{fenestra}, but catching one without injuring it is difficult, and getting it comfortable with people takes upwards of months.
But if you have more time than money, then it's time well spent.
\makeRule{make_spell}{Composing a Spell}{Intelligence}{Sphere}{10 plus Level}
Crafting new spells requires one week per level of the spell.