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Locations.qml 9.6 KiB
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  • import QtQuick 2.15
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
    import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
    import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
    import "../themes/themes.js" as Theme
    /* TODO
     [ ] corner case: manual override, not full list yet
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
         [x] persist bridges
         [ ] persist manual selection
         [ ] display the location we know
     [ ] corner case: user selects bridges with manual selection
         (I think the backend should discard any manual selection when selecting bridges...
          unless the current selection provides the bridge, in which case we can maintain it)
    ThemedPage {
        id: locationPage
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
        title: qsTr("Select Location")
        // TODO add ScrollIndicator
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
        //: this is in the radio button for the auto selection
        property var autoSelectionLabel: qsTr("Automatically use best connection")
        //: Location Selection: label for radio buttons that selects manually
        property var manualSelectionLabel: qsTr("Manually select")
        //: A little display to signal that the clicked gateway is being switched to
        property var switchingLocationLabel: qsTr("Switching gateways...")
        //: Subtitle to explain that only bridge locations are shown in the selector
        property var onlyBridgesWarning: qsTr("Only locations with bridges")
        property bool switching: false
        ButtonGroup {
            id: locsel
        Rectangle {
            id: autoBox
            width: root.width * 0.90
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
            height: 90
            radius: 10
            color: "white"
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                margins: 10
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
            Rectangle {
                anchors {
                    fill: parent
                    margins: 10
                Label {
                    id: recommendedLabel
                    //: Location Selection: label for radio button that selects automatically
                    text: qsTr("Recommended")
                    font.weight: Font.Bold
                    font.bold: true
                WrappedRadioButton {
                    id: autoRadioButton
                    text: getAutoLabel()
                    checked: false
                    anchors {
                        top: recommendedLabel.bottom
                        leftMargin: -5
                    HoverHandler {
                        cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
                    onClicked: {
                        root.selectedGateway = "auto"
                        console.debug("Selected gateway: auto")
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
        Rectangle {
            id: manualBox
            visible: root.locationsModel.length > 0
            width: root.width * 0.90
            radius: 10
            color: Theme.fgColor
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
            height: getManualBoxHeight()
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                top: autoBox.bottom
                margins: 10
            ScrollView {
                id: frame
                clip: true
                anchors.fill: parent
                ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
                Flickable {
                    id: flickable
                    contentHeight: getManualBoxHeight()
                    width: parent.width
                    ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator {
                        size: 5
                        contentItem: Rectangle {
                            implicitWidth: 5
                            implicitHeight: 100
                            color: "grey"
                    Rectangle {
                        anchors {
                            fill: parent
                            margins: 10
                        Label {
                            id: manualLabel
                            text: manualSelectionLabel
                            font.bold: true
                        Label {
                            id: bridgeWarning
                            text: onlyBridgesWarning
                            color: "gray"
                            visible: isBridgeSelected()
                            wrapMode: Text.Wrap
                            font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSize - 3
                            anchors {
                                topMargin: 5
                                top: manualLabel.bottom
                        ColumnLayout {
                            id: gatewayListColumn
                            width: parent.width
                            spacing: 1
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
                            anchors {
                                topMargin: 10
                                top: getManualAnchor()
                            Repeater {
                                id: gwManualSelectorList
                                width: parent.width
                                model: root.locationsModel
                                RowLayout {
                                    width: parent.width
                                    WrappedRadioButton {
                                        text: getLocationLabel(modelData)
                                        location: modelData
                                        checked: false
                                        enabled: locationPage.switching ? false : true
                                        HoverHandler {
                                            cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
                                        onClicked: {
                                            if (ctx.status == "on") {
                                                locationPage.switching = true
                                            root.selectedGateway = location
                                    Item {
                                        Layout.fillWidth: true
                                    Image {
                                        height: 30
                                        width: 30
                                        smooth: true
                                        visible: isBridgeSelected()
                                        fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
                                        source: "../resources/bridge.svg"
                                        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
                                        Layout.rightMargin: 10
                                    SignalIcon {
                                        quality: getSignalFor(modelData)
                                        Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
                                        Layout.rightMargin: 20
                } //flickable
            } // scrollview
        } // manualbox
        StateGroup {
            states: [
                State {
                    when: locationPage.switching && ctx.status != "on"
                    PropertyChanges {
                        target: manualLabel
                        text: switchingLocationLabel
                State {
                    when: ctx != undefined && ctx.status == "on"
                    PropertyChanges {
                        target: manualLabel
                        text: manualSelectionLabel
                    StateChangeScript {
                        script: {
                            locationPage.switching = false
        function getAutoLabel() {
            let l = autoSelectionLabel
            if (ctx && ctx.locations && ctx.bestLocation) {
                let best = ctx.locationLabels[ctx.bestLocation]
                let label = best[0] + ", " + best[1]
                l += " (" + label + ")"
            return l
        function getLocationLabel(location) {
            if (!ctx) {
                return ""
            let l = ctx.locationLabels[location]
            return l[0] + ", " + l[1]
        function getManualBoxHeight() {
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
            let h = Math.min(
                root.locationsModel.length * 35,
                root.appHeight - autoBox.height - 100
            if (bridgeWarning.visible) {
                h += bridgeWarning.height
    Kali Kaneko's avatar
    Kali Kaneko committed
            return h + 50
        function getSignalFor(location) {
            // this is an ad-hoc solution for the no-menshen, riseup case.
            // when menshen is deployed we'll want to tweak the values for each bucket.
            let load = ctx.locations[location]
            switch (true) {
            case (load > 0.5):
                return "good"
            case (load > 0.25):
                return "medium"
                return "low"
        function isBridgeSelected() {
            if (ctx && ctx.transport == "obfs4") {
                return true
            } else {
                return false
        function getManualAnchor() {
            if (isBridgeSelected()) {
                return bridgeWarning.bottom
            } else {
                return manualLabel.bottom
        Component.onCompleted: {
            if (root.selectedGateway == "auto") {
                autoRadioButton.checked = true
            } else {
                let match = false
                for (var i = 1; i < locsel.buttons.length; i++) {
                    let b = locsel.buttons[i]
                    if (b.location == root.selectedGateway) {
                        match = true
                        b.checked = true