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[94] reintroduce scheduled safety number re-trusting job

aguestuser requested to merge 94-reintroduce-scheduled-retrusting-job into master

Closes #94 (closed)


  • #70 (closed) introduced a scheduled job that would retrust every signalboost user's number every 24 hours as a stop-gap for figuring out more fine-grained fixes to key rollover problems
  • #88 (closed) rolled that change back since it caused signald to fallover
  • this MR reintroduces the job to test the hypothesis that building from source at current upstream repo head (which we do as of #83 (closed)) will resolve the issue because it includes an upstream commit that eliminated a null-pointer-error that likely was causing the crash. (i.e., this commit:
Edited by aguestuser

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