unit tests fail due to missing dependencies
this is on fresh debian stretch installation.
I run yarn setup
and it successfully builds some docker images.
Then running yarn test:unit
fails. Amidst the output, there is an error message that says "ERROR: Cannot find module 'babel-register'"
output of yarn test:unit:
yarn run v1.15.2
$ ./bin/test/unit
~/signalboost ~/signalboost
--- running unit tests...
Creating network "signalboost_default" with the default driver
Creating signalboost_test_db ...
Creating signalboost_test_db ... [32mdone[0m
[1B[?25l[..................] / rollbackFailedOptional: verb npm-session 5c7a22f8e9a5e98[0m[K
[..................] / rollbackFailedOptional: verb npm-session 5c7a22f8e9a5e98[0m[K
[..................] - rollbackFailedOptional: verb npm-session 5c7a22f8e9a5e98[0m[K
[..................] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule mocha@6.1.3 che[0m[K
[..................] - fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule mocha@6.1.3 che[0m[K
[..................] - fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule mocha@6.1.3 che[0m[K
[..................] / fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule mocha@6.1.3 che[0m[K
[..................] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule mocha@6.1.3 che[0m[K
[..................] / fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule mocha@6.1.3 che[0m[K
[#.................] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule yargs-unparser@[0m[K
[#.................] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule locate-path@3.0[0m[K
[#.................] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule p-limit@2.2.0 c[0m[K
[#.................] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule p-try@2.2.0 che[0m[K
[#.................] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule p-try@2.2.0 che[0m[K
[#.................] - fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule wrappy@1.0.2 ch[0m[K
[#.................] / fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule brace-expansion[0m[K
[#.................] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule balanced-match@[0m[K
[#.................] - fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule esprima@4.0.1 c[0m[K
[#.................] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule chalk@2.4.2 che[0m[K
[#.................] - fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule chalk@2.4.2 che[0m[K
[#.................] / fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule ansi-styles@3.2[0m[K
[#.................] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule color-name@1.1.[0m[K
[##................] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule has-flag@3.0.0[0m[K
[##................] / fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule minimist@0.0.8[0m[K
[##................] - fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule semver@5.7.0 ch[0m[K
[##................] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule define-properti[0m[K
[##................] \ loadDep:object-keys: sill resolveWithNewModule object-ke[0m[K
[##................] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule is-symbol@1.0.2[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule has-symbols@1.0[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule has-symbols@1.0[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule isexe@2.0.0 che[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule string-width@2.[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule string-width@2.[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule string-width@2.[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule string-width@2.[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule string-width@2.[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule is-fullwidth-co[0m[K
[###...............] | loadDep:yargs-parser: sill resolveWithNewModule ansi-reg[0m[K
[###...............] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule require-directo[0m[K
[###...............] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule require-directo[0m[K
[###...............] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule wrap-ansi@2.1.0[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule wrap-ansi@2.1.0[0m[K
[###...............] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule is-fullwidth-co[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule number-is-nan@1[0m[K
[###...............] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule ansi-regex@2.1.[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule mem@4.3.0 check[0m[K
[###...............] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule mem@4.3.0 check[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule mem@4.3.0 check[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule mem@4.3.0 check[0m[K
[###...............] - loadDep:which: sill resolveWithNewModule strip-eof@1.0.0[0m[K
[###...............] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule path-key@2.0.1[0m[K
[###...............] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule shebang-regex@1[0m[K
[###...............] / fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule shebang-regex@1[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule end-of-stream@1[0m[K
[###...............] \ fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule p-is-promise@2.[0m[K
[###...............] / fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule p-defer@1.0.0 c[0m[K
[###...............] - fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule ansi-regex@4.1.[0m[K
[###...............] / fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule flat@4.1.0 chec[0m[K
[######............] | diffTrees: sill install generateActionsToTake[0m[K
[#######...........] / extract:mocha: verb lock using /root/.npm/_locks/staging[0m[K
[#######...........] \ extract:mocha: verb lock using /root/.npm/_locks/staging[0m[K
[#######...........] \ extract:mocha: verb lock using /root/.npm/_locks/staging[0m[K
[#######...........] \ extract:mocha: verb lock using /root/.npm/_locks/staging[0m[K
[#######...........] - extract:ansi-regex: sill extract ansi-regex@^3.0.0 extra[0m[K
[#######...........] \ extract:ansi-regex: sill extract ansi-regex@^3.0.0 extra[0m[K
[#######...........] \ extract:p-defer: sill extract supports-color@6.0.0[0m[K
[#######...........] - extract:color-name: sill extract color-name@1.1.3 extrac[0m[K
[#######...........] \ extract:color-name: sill extract color-name@1.1.3 extrac[0m[K
[########..........] \ extract:is-buffer: sill extract js-yaml@3.13.0[0m[K
[########..........] | extract:is-stream: sill extract inflight@1.0.6[0m[K
[#########.........] | extract:is-date-object: sill tarball no local data for g[0m[K
[#########.........] \ extract:has-symbols: sill tarball no local data for wrap[0m[K
[#########.........] | extract:chalk: http fetch GET 200 https://registry.npmjs[0m[K
[#########.........] / extract:log-symbols: http fetch GET 200 https://registry[0m[K
[#########.........] / extract:define-properties: sill tarball no local data fo[0m[K
[#########.........] - extract:string-width: http fetch GET 200 https://registr[0m[K
[##########........] \ extract:string-width: sill extract p-try@2.2.0[0m[K
[##########........] \ extract:esprima: sill extract esprima@^4.0.0 extracted t[0m[K
[###########.......] | extract:path-is-absolute: sill extract path-is-absolute@[0m[K
[############......] \ extract:p-locate: sill extract p-locate@^3.0.0 extracted[0m[K
[############......] - extract:semver: sill extract semver@^5.7.0 extracted to[0m[K
[############......] \ extract:js-yaml: sill extract js-yaml@3.13.0 extracted t[0m[K
[############......] | extract:yargs: sill extract yargs@^12.0.5 extracted to /[0m[K
[############......] - extract:mocha: sill extract mocha@latest extracted to /r[0m[K
[############......] - extract:mocha: sill extract mocha@latest extracted to /r[0m[K
[############......] - extract:mocha: sill extract mocha@latest extracted to /r[0m[K
[############......] \ extract:mocha: sill extract mocha@latest extracted to /r[0m[K
[############......] \ extract:mocha: sill extract mocha@latest extracted to /r[0m[K
[############......] \ extract:mocha: sill extract mocha@latest extracted to /r[0m[K
[############......] \ extract:mocha: sill extract mocha@latest extracted to /r[0m[K
[############......] / finalize:invert-kv: sill finalize /root/.npm/_npx/8/lib/[0m[K
[############......] \ finalize:cross-spawn: sill finalize /root/.npm/_npx/8/li[0m[K
[############......] | finalize:yargs-unparser: sill finalize /root/.npm/_npx/8[0m[K
[############......] | refresh-package-json:mocha: timing action:finalize Compl[0m[K
[############......] | refresh-package-json:mocha: timing action:finalize Compl[0m[K
[############......] \ refresh-package-json:mem: sill refresh-package-json /roo[0m[K
[############......] - refresh-package-json:supports-color: sill refresh-packag[0m[K
[############......] / refresh-package-json:strip-ansi: sill refresh-package-js[0m[K
[############......] \ preinstall:mocha: timing action:refresh-package-json Com[0m[K
[############......] | build:growl: sill linkStuff growl@1.10.5 is installed in[0m[K
[############......] / install:balanced-match: info lifecycle balanced-match@1.[0m[K
[K[?25hnpx: installed 115 in 6.63s
mocha debug [spec..]
Run tests with Mocha
Rules & Behavior
--allow-uncaught Allow uncaught errors to propagate [boolean]
--async-only, -A Require all tests to use a callback (async) or
return a Promise [boolean]
--bail, -b Abort ("bail") after first test failure [boolean]
--check-leaks Check for global variable leaks [boolean]
--delay Delay initial execution of root suite [boolean]
--exit Force Mocha to quit after tests complete [boolean]
--forbid-only Fail if exclusive test(s) encountered [boolean]
--forbid-pending Fail if pending test(s) encountered [boolean]
--global, --globals List of allowed global variables [array]
--retries Retry failed tests this many times [number]
--slow, -s Specify "slow" test threshold (in milliseconds)
[number] [default: 75]
--timeout, -t, --timeouts Specify test timeout threshold (in milliseconds)
[number] [default: 2000]
--ui, -u Specify user interface [string] [default: "bdd"]
Reporting & Output
--color, -c, --colors Force-enable color output [boolean]
--diff Show diff on failure
[boolean] [default: true]
--full-trace Display full stack traces [boolean]
--growl, -G Enable Growl notifications [boolean]
--inline-diffs Display actual/expected differences
inline within each string [boolean]
--reporter, -R Specify reporter to use
[string] [default: "spec"]
--reporter-option, --reporter-options, Reporter-specific options
-O (<k=v,[k1=v1,..]>) [array]
--config Path to config file [default: (nearest rc file)]
--opts Path to `mocha.opts` [string] [default: "./test/mocha.opts"]
--package Path to package.json for config [string]
File Handling
--exclude Ignore file(s) or glob pattern(s)
[array] [default: (none)]
--extension, --watch-extensions File extension(s) to load and/or watch
[array] [default: js]
--file Specify file(s) to be loaded prior to root
suite execution [array] [default: (none)]
--recursive Look for tests in subdirectories [boolean]
--require, -r Require module [array] [default: (none)]
--sort, -S Sort test files [boolean]
--watch, -w Watch files in the current working directory
for changes [boolean]
Test Filters
--fgrep, -f Only run tests containing this string [string]
--grep, -g Only run tests matching this string or regexp [string]
--invert, -i Inverts --grep and --fgrep matches [boolean]
Positional Arguments
spec One or more files, directories, or globs to test
[array] [default: ["test"]]
Other Options
--help, -h Show usage information & exit [boolean]
--version, -V Show version number & exit [boolean]
--interfaces List built-in user interfaces & exit [boolean]
--reporters List built-in reporters & exit [boolean]
[31m✖[39m [31mERROR:[39m Cannot find module 'babel-register'
--- spinning down environment...
Stopping signalboost_test_db ...
Stopping signalboost_test_db ... [32mdone[0m
[1BRemoving signalboost_test_runner_run_1 ...
Removing signalboost_test_db ...
Removing signalboost_test_runner_run_1 ... [32mdone[0m
Removing signalboost_test_db ... [32mdone[0m
[1BRemoving network signalboost_default
"docker rm" requires at least 1 argument.
See 'docker rm --help'.
Remove one or more containers
Done in 10.07s.
some software versions i'm using:
Docker version 18.09.5, build e8ff056dbc
GNU bash, version 4.4.12
nodejs v10.15.3
yarn 1.15.2
And I'm using the latest commit at time of writing (1306b99c)
Edited by aguestuser