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  • aguestuser's avatar
    [hotfix] actually send broadcast messages in sequence · de2bb2f4
    aguestuser authored
    * we introduced a fix a long time ago to send broadcast messages in sequence
      on the theory that (1) this would jam up signald's concurrency bugs
      less and (2) we had observed health checks fail less and transmit
      faster when sent in sequence
    * however, we did not notice that `broadcastMessage` was only ever
      being called with one recipient (presumably to get per-recipient
      language choices honored) so we were never actually sending such
      messages in sequence
    * @mari has a more comprehensive fix coming in #329, but until it
      lands, here is a small patch to make sure broadcast messages
      actually go out in sequence so we can measure if this makes any kind
      of difference in perf/reliability