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Let Jenkins job notification email through

The automated message detection heuristic already let messages sent by cron through. This makes sense, as there are valid use cases for sending email from cronjobs to a Schleuder list. Similarly, there are valid use cases for sending Jenkins job notifications to a Schleuder list. But so far we rejected these messages: they include a Auto-Submitted header whose value is not "no".

To fix this problem, let's allow auto-submitted email when a X-Jenkins-Job header is present.

For reference, as of current Jenkins LTS (2.176.3) running on Debian Stretch with Java 8, messages generated by the Jenkins Mailer¹ plugin include characteristic headers; for example:

    X-Jenkins-Job: test_Tails_ISO_stable
    X-Jenkins-Result: FAILURE
    Auto-submitted: auto-generated


Edited by georg

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