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  • georg's avatar
    CI: Fix APT caching and clarify env var names used in APT config · 18d2b528
    georg authored
    The code introduced in ac20c72b was buggy, because it only checked the
    existence of the APT cache directory. If two containers were started at
    the same time, sometimes the code would run into a race condition; one
    of the containers would update the APT package cache, the second would
    assume, as the directory did exist, that an update of the package cache
    was unneeded, accordingly, installing packages in the second container
    This commit introduces a better check: It doesn't rely on the existence
    of the directory, but uses 'find' to check the 'mtime' of the contained
    list files. If there are none (in case the GitLab CI cache is empty), or
    the last package update run was (more than) 14 days ago, the package
    cache is updated.
    To make the caching working reliable, another change on the GitLab
    Runner was needed. In the config, 'cache_dir' was set to a directory on
    the host and 'volumes' was accordingly extended via adding this
    directory. Unfortunately, the GitLab CI docs are quite sparse in this
    regard, so it took a while to figure this out.
    This change was tested several times against different (force-pushed)
    branches and with "cold and hot" cache.
    On top, this commit clarifies the naming of the environment variables
    which are used in the APT config.
    Closes #316
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